As a law unto themselves the new one world government (NWO) should - TopicsExpress


As a law unto themselves the new one world government (NWO) should presumably be able to finance and build anything they choose including ecologically friendly renewable energy generators. Architectural design for towns and cities to enhance privacy within the increasingly dense proximity for residents. At the moment money commands decisions made on these factors rather than the well being of the people or the environment! Why not employ people (unemployed\skilled) to install remedial structures to benefit the environment objectively, worldwide! Persistent ecological destruction opposed to less human impact on ecology is not really short of lunacy which most of we are all contributing to and witnessing on industrial scale! We as humans seem to have been turned into stock which leaders want to turn over as fast as possible in order to maintain a fresh new workforce for no other intention than to make the machine run faster, consuming more, more profit on grander scale as population grows, also all creating more pollution, an ever increasing cost of living for the citizens and work force, all relative to workers income increasing at a slower rate than the cost of living,. They have achieved the monopoly so they dont need the population to grow anymore.. the power of money on humans as they try to achieve population reduction while we breed like rabbits! Creating multi-billionaires as little or no development in maintaining ecological balance unless profit made! The key to a longer life is moderation! The distance between rich an poor is growing to fast for nothing much more than the wealthiests benefit and continuing destruction of ecology, eugenics or mass murder of the human race, for not much else than greed with more money than any normal person could spend in a lifetime, a security as they know how much the majority of world population detest them for such wanton self indulgence as the planets ecology and our living environment suffering our health. Is their wealth a distraction from the fear rather than a true security...? Our premature downfall or even extinction and hardly intelligent representation of the human race! Thats Our Leadership, going round in self destructive circles rather than any progressive development in any mutually beneficial direction for our existence as a human race... all for pretentious superiority as just another mere mortal..?
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 17:03:25 +0000

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