As a mum of 3 young little ladies and a son, this article really - TopicsExpress


As a mum of 3 young little ladies and a son, this article really struck a cord. I have to be honest that in the past i have done some of these things and also they have heard me talk about how much i hate my body and even see me cry about it. It been a very long time since i have done this, but i do worry if i have done any long term damage to them. I want my kids, to grow up and love the body they have been blessed with no matter what shape or size they are. I want them to put good wholesome food into there body to give it everything it needs to take them through life. I dont want them to be like me and do every Pill, shake and diet under the sun because that isnt loving your body. I dont want them to miss out on opportunities in life because of their weight or how they feel about their body. I have so many regrets I want them to be the complete opposite of how i was. I cant get back those year but i can make sure they dont loose theirs. Its so important that we as parent are good role models for our kids. We need to help them shape the future and we can help with this growing obesity epidemic by breaking the cycle and teaching them about health over weight Dont comment on other womens bodies either. Nope. Not a single comment, not a nice one or a mean one Its worth a read. Love to hear what you think?! x
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 06:29:25 +0000

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