As a philosophy major in 1995, I spent 5 years reading the - TopicsExpress


As a philosophy major in 1995, I spent 5 years reading the greatest philosophers of all time. We were taught to look at the world in terms of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and politics. At the time, philosophers like Kierkegaard and Nietzsche seemed interesting. Exactly twenty years later it seems kind like a dog chasing its tail spending years in philosophical pontifications. But the one good thing about philosophy is that it teaches you to question everything... Everything. Here is the twenty year assessment on the four major philosophical questions. Metaphysicals. What is the ultimate reality? Living in the moment - the here and now. I love therefore I am (Descartes). Epistemology. By what means do we acquire the Truth (Holy Books, Intuition, Reason, Scientific Method, etc)? We acquire the truth by that which creates a higher meaning, purpose and happiness in our life. Ethics. What is the universal truth or is truth relative? You can deconstruct all philosophical ideals (Hume), but the laws of Karma (cause and effect) still remains. Politics. Is human nature innately good or evil? Our spirit is innately higher energy but our animal flesh is lower energy. The question is, Do you live in the spirit or in the flesh? Happy 2015!!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 05:46:58 +0000

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