As a poor kid, I used to make a lot of deals with the Universe. - TopicsExpress


As a poor kid, I used to make a lot of deals with the Universe. One big promise I made was that Id help good people in need if I ever got rich (or hit the lottery). Compared to where I started, the Universe has delivered abundantly. In many ways, I have hit the lottery. But, the question remains for me -- have I returned the favor in kind? Have I made good at my end? Rich is a relative concept -- and I could continue to pretend that Im not rich enough to do what I promised as a kid. I could let myself off the hook because compared to many around me in this town of excess, I have nothing. But, a eureka moment occurred recently and provided me with a new set of eyes. In one lifetime, I have lived (and thrived) at opposite ends of the financial spectrum. This dichotomized life experience has lead to an awareness, foreign to most people. It has both enlightened and challenged me and my worldview. The passion I have for my work, the talents I offer, and the work ethic I maintain (mixed with a little Karma) continue to provide resources beyond my needs. And, like many around me in LA, I could opt for self-indulgence, gluttony, and greed and continue this selfish cycle of distraction against the emptiness it inevitably delivers. OR I can choose to find peace and satisfaction in my many blessings. I can say, I have plenty and reject the illusionary promise of if I only had more! I can say, I am full -- the meal is plentiful -- so let me share my bread. I can use my energy, drive, talents, and money to help others manifest their dreams. I can help in the creation of beneficial lives and experiences for others and have faith that the Universe will take care of me splendidly during this course of action. Consumerism and greed do not need to rule my house. I continue to reject it. My faith is deeply rooted in the concepts of Karma and reciprocity -- key universal laws and concepts -- that if given the chance, will improve our collective experience. Today, I am silencing that selfish, cynical, omnipresent voice so determined to keep us stuck in a poverty mentality. The voice that scares us and keeps us in fear by creating a scarcity understanding of our world. It betrays our true nature of generosity and gratitude and instead tells us to amass and hoard beyond our needs. It disconnects us from others in a false sense of caring for ourselves as if the concepts are mutually exclusive. They are NOT. Thus, I am conducting an experiment -- a monthly gesture of gratitude. I hope this inspires those around me with more and/or less to do something similar. I want to help 5 people this month (and monthly moving forward). I will write a check for up to $100 to 5 people who respond to this update -- (in 5 sentences or less) -- telling me a little about your situation and why the money could help (private message me if youd prefer). I am the final arbitrator of who I pick. If $100 can change your life for the better -- tell me about it -- and I may just be writing you that check. If $100 is nothing to you, then please re-post to your page in hopes of finding someone where that money could absolutely solve a problem, facilitate a new path, inspire a dream, or change a downward course. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! -Smike
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 01:33:49 +0000

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