As a powerlifter or strength athlete you need a certain level of - TopicsExpress


As a powerlifter or strength athlete you need a certain level of CONDITIONING. You dont need to be able to run a marathon... But you do need to be able to get a lot of work done in the gym, in a relatively short space of time. I see many lifters who are gassed after 30 minutes of training and resort to crazy long rest periods. In competition, these same lifters make lousy deadlifters because by the time theyve done their squats and bench presses - they got nothing left in the tank! In just a second Im going to share 4 ways to build conditioning thatll help your STRENGTH training sessions. But first, let me say this: When training for strength, I advise you to avoid failure. The same is true when training to build your conditioning levels... AVOID FAILURE. Dont push so hard that youre gasping for breath and need 5 days to recover after the session! Warning over - lets get into the... ---------------------------------------------------- 4 Conditioning Drills for Powerlifters and Strength Athletes... ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Sled Dragging Load up a 20kg or 40kg on a sled. Drag it backwards and itll smoke your quads. Drag it forwards to work the glutes and hamstrings harder. Both variations will get your heart and lungs working. Start out with 6-8 trips of about 100ft. Work up to at least 12 trips of 200ft. Rest 30 seconds between trips. 2. Prowler Most people PUSH the prowler and thats great. But you can also use it as a sled and PULL it. Whatever you do, load it up with a reasonably challenging weight and move the thing for a set distance. Increase the sets over time, whilst keeping the rest periods pretty short and youll improve your conditioning. 3. Leopard Crawl My buddy Geoff Neupert is making this exercise popular all over the world. Try it and youll see why: - Get down on the floor as if you were going to crawl like a baby - Lift your knees off the floor - Keep your butt lower, your back in its natural slightly arched position and look straight ahead - Now move forwards. Right arm and Right leg move together. Then left arm and left leg and so on. This is way harder than it sounds! Add a weighted belt or drag chain to make it harder. 4. Farmers Walks You already know how to do these. For conditioning purposes, dont go crazy with the weight. Instead, use a moderate weight, walk for 40 yards, rest for 30 seconds and repeat. These will get you conditioned and build some grip strength. As you know - a stronger grip makes you stronger all over.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:30:31 +0000

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