As a student of Political Economy, I have developed a notion of be - TopicsExpress


As a student of Political Economy, I have developed a notion of be a adherent to some amongest the classic and ofcurse the marxists scholars. On this terran, I will put across a quotation of Political Economy from a proginator in the field of Political Economy Jean Sismondi (1773-1842) to this Swiss Historian and Political Economy. Referring to Britain at the time of the Industrial Revolution. New principles of Political Economy; " I have seen pproduction increasing while enjoyments were diminshing. The mass of the natio here, no less than Philosophers, seem to forget that the increase of Wealth is not the end in Political Economy , but its instruments in producing the happiness of all". Here in Nigeria the situation is quite different, the people on the corridor of power does not want to see happiness on the faces of all rather on few of them that are controling the political sphear of our gr8t nation. These group of people are noting but calamity to our nation, because they contribute little or non and use the opportunity to divert public funds into their privates accounts. As far as Political Economy is concern there is noting developmental to show up in Nigeria. Most studies on Political Economy of Nigeria, or the resultant out come of the studies of Politcal Economy of Nigeria is centered on corruption, poverty, hunger and political servitude... Its our duty to ensure that we have change in 2015 election, we re tired of these groups of nonprhensile marmosets that driven the Political sector of Nigeria. Their lack ability to contribute to the socio-economic and Political development in Nigeria. They specializes on looting of public funds, causing peril to the national social relations, creating apprehension on the economy of our nation. No enable environment for economic diversification..
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 07:31:21 +0000

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