As a verse was brought to me again this morning by an amazing man - TopicsExpress


As a verse was brought to me again this morning by an amazing man of GOD, I see that this is what GOD would have me receive. In Pauls letter to Titus, toward the end of the letter, he gives Titus advice on what to establish, or verify, and what to avoid (Titus 3:8 & 3:9-11). These things Paul describes as either profitable (useful/good) or unprofitable (useless/bad). What are the profitable, or good, things Paul described to Titus??? To affirm CONSTANTLY to maintain good works, as this was also something Paul did while he was writing to Titus (Titus 2:7,14 & 3:1,14). Do not misunderstand the purpose of good works, as they are not done to buy or earn our way into Heaven because we already know that GOD saves us by HIS Grace, not by our works (Ephesians 2:8-9 & Titus 3:4-7). Why then are we to do good works? Because they bring Glory to GOD (Matthew 5:16 & 1Peter 2:11-12). Good works can also prepare unbelievers to be more receptive to The Gospel (1Peter 2:12; 3:1-2), as they demonstrate the living nature of our Faith (James 2:14-17). They are also necessary if we are to be like CHRIST. Not to mention, Paul tells us that they are good and profitable to men in Titus 3:8. Good works can be spiritual in nature, like telling others of GODS Grace (1Peter 2:9-10) or even encouraging other Christians (Hebrews 3:12-13) and restoring weak brothers and sisters (Galatians 6:1-2 & James 5:19-20). Some good works are even physical in nature. JESUS did not limit HIS good works to things spiritual (Luke 7:22), nor did HE expect HIS Disciples to so limit their good works (Matthew 10:7-8 & 25:34-40). Because just as some may be gifted in talent and opportunities to teach, so others are gifted to in areas of physical service (Romans 12:3-8). But what is unprofitable, or bad??? Thing like engaging in foolish disputes that involve genealogies, contentions and striving about the law, these things are described as unprofitable and useless in Titus 3:9. The damage that these types of foolish disputes can cause are that they can lead to division, and those who refuse to repent of such are to be rejected after the first and second admonition as stated in Titus 3:10. For such become warped, sinful, and self-condemned (Titus 3:11). When thinking of things like musical instruments being forbidden in worship and the silly notion that anyone being a member of a denominational church is going to hell just because of their denominational claim, we see the foolishness of these types of arguments and all we can do is show those who differ the Truth of GODS Word and after trying once or twice, then we must just move on because there are plenty of others that are willing to hear HIS Truth and that NEED to hear of HIS Truth. I think the way this verse was shared with me this morning makes a very clear point.... Titus 3:10-11 which reads: – “A man that is an heretic (“one that engages the capability of willfully choosing to forsake God’s truth & thus they make a willful self choice to choose doctrines of their own devises – NOT GOD’S”) after the first and second admonition (“that which is to be administered for the correction of one who creates trouble in the church”) reject; knowing that he that is such is subverted (meaning “the complete perversion (“deviation from God’s truth”) of the person’s Christian character as to leave no hope for their amendment”) , and sins being condemned of himself.” And as if that is not enough, even Paul warned Timothy repeatedly against such word battles, that they cause disputes rather than godly edification in 1Timothy 1:3-4. He told young Timothy that they create envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions in 1Timothy 6:3-5, that they have caused some to stray from the faith (1Timothy 6:20-21), that they lead to the ruin of the hearers (2Timothy 2:14), that they increase to more ungodliness (2Titus 2:16) and that their effect spreads like cancer, and overthrows the faith of some (2Timothy 2:17-18). Pauls words to Titus relate especially to Titus role as an evangelist that has been charged with setting in order the things that are lacking (Titus 1:5) and with speaking things that are proper for sound doctrine (Titus 2:1). Preachers do well to take Pauls words to heart as they carry out their ministry. But remember, Pauls words are not just for the evangelist, but for all Christians that see the value of good works and diligence. All Christians should see the harm of foolish disputes, and seek to avoid them at any cost. Every Disciple of CHRIST does well to take Pauls words to heart as they follow JESUS Path of Righteousness and Love. May we all be careful to maintain good works, and to avoid foolish disputes over matters that have nothing to do with our Hope of Eternal Salvation! May you all be safe and may GOD Bless touch each of you leading you into HIS Will and HIS Truth..... and away from the truth of men. ♥
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:55:51 +0000

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