As all our friends know, it is always the police ,firefighters and - TopicsExpress


As all our friends know, it is always the police ,firefighters and EMT/paramedics that are the first to respond to any dangerous wild/exotic animal escape or release (it is not Jack Hanna, Joe Exotic or the local zoo). Please listen and always remember this 911 call and response and think what was going through the minds of those public safety officers ( some still have nightmares to this day ). The fire/rescue teams arrived first but had to wait till a police officer got there with his gun ( he used his hand gun... ). As they are waiting (ordered to stay in their apparatus) they had to see and hear this horror. The attack was almost 4 minutes in length. THE ANIMAL I FEAR THE MOST IS THE CHIMPANZEE (I respect all the large predators I deal with, but the chimp is by far the most dangerous). Please help stop this madness. The womans voice on the 911 call is the chimps owner....she was just like all the others that said we are alarmists and that dogs and guns are more a problem than these animals. AS YOU HEAR ON THE 911 CALL, SHE CHANGED HER MIND VERY QUICKLY AND WAS SCREAMING..... YOU HAVE TO SHOOT HIM, YOU HAVE TO KILL HIM. This straight from a dangerous exotic pet owners mouth!!! Common sense message: If she was not allowed to own the chimp....there would have been no attack. I know this goes against Joe Exotic , Tim Stark and their followers but I think it is time good people stand up for the TRUTH. There was numerous victims of this attack. The 2 obvious victims are Charla and the chimp, Travis (it was not his fault...he is a chimp) but we all forget the owner, the responders, the media employees and all who watched/heard the attack. Pray for common sense to prevail, and pray for all who were involved with this horrible, but predictable and preventable, situation. Do not hate the animal, put your disgust into helping to stop this madness. Please stay safe, Tim
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:35:09 +0000

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