As always, I prefer the King James but these versions will work - TopicsExpress


As always, I prefer the King James but these versions will work far better for the simple men and women of god preaching their twisted versions of what the Bible says and the equally simple pretending to listen in the pews. (Yes, their god is small because they believe they can bend it to their own wills and they have absolutely no concern about angering a Holy Righteous Jehovah - Elohim.) So many of the false prophets of this world try to sell you a bill of goods: 1) Do these things and you will be saved, have perfect health, money, love, everything your heart desires. 2) You can have your best life NOW, why wait for heaven, just send me money and I can give you the magic oil, blessed cloth, a magic wish, whatever that you need to get what you want. 3) The god in heaven isnt really holy, he wont care what you do, hes just a teddy bear that is waiting for you to give him permission to work in your life. 4) All paths lead to heaven and theres absolutely nothing stopping you from enjoying all life has to offer now, god will understand and give you a free pass. 5) If you accept Jesus now, every member of your family will be saved and you can bring them along to eternity in heaven, you alone have the power. 6) If your family isnt living for Jesus, its because you still have unresolved sin in your life and you need to fight to get right. 7) God shows his favor to us by making sure we always get the best parking spot at the mall, just drive around and trust him to find that perfect spot for you right up front. This list goes on infinitely ... for the lies are as varied and fanciful as the mind can conceive. For my purpose today, I will utilize a translation to help all the simpletons comprehend my meaning easier, as I know they have extremely limited intellect. (Please note: I usually avoid MSG in all forms - Pun Intended - this translation just seemed to make the point better today.) MSG Matthew 7:15 “Be wary of preachers who smile a lot, dripping with practiced sincerity. Chances are they are out to rip you off some way or other. Don’t be impressed with charisma; look for character. Who preachers are is the main thing, not what they say. A genuine leader will never exploit your emotions or your pocketbook. These diseased trees with their bad apples are going to be chopped down and burned. This is pointed more toward the hearer of the Word than the false prophets themselves. NLT Timothy 4:3 For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. Lets simplify it a bit further. Just because they can tickle your ear, telling you what you want to hear, does not mean they really are true Christians. Look at how they treat people; at the office, at the local places of business and eateries. Do they really practice what they preach? Does what they say fit with the Scriptures you are reading Everyday? Or are they spiritualizing text, using emotionalism to cover up the fact that their words are not matching Gods Holy Word? Are you even reading your Bible? Or have you, like so many around me, decided that youve already read it and know it good enough ... do you even listen to the sermons any more? Or are you just there to enjoy the show? Maybe its more about seeing and being seen? Why are you there? Im shocked how many are telling me they arent hearing what I have heard in various services of late ... its like theyre all sleep walking, with no idea of what has been said. Chills me to the bone. Learn to recognize the False Prophets now, while theres still time. Time is running out, the King is Coming. Its hard being the lone voice in the wilderness today, and its getting harder, especially as the bias against Christianity is gaining momentum daily. I have accepted I will one day be expected to die for my beliefs. I have read The Wave and other books. I have seen how Hitler rose to power and I have seen exactly how it can, and will, happen again. Wanting to conform, to belong, is a natural human trait. Standing up against wrongs, when everyone around you is insisting you are the one that is wrong, is very difficult but standing against the majority when these false prophets pop up is essential to the battle ahead. Pray for Pre-Tribulation Rapture, always, but be prepared for Mid-Trib or Post-Tribulation Rapture. Only a fool goes into battle unprepared ... Know your most powerful tool, its your compass, it always points to truth. READ THE BIBLE NOW!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 20:45:38 +0000

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