As an American citizen I have finally come to the point that I am - TopicsExpress


As an American citizen I have finally come to the point that I am totally sick of listening to the pile of monkey manure the right keeps putting out there. First I ask them how stupid do they think the American public is. First they constantly talk about government being to big. Yet under President George W Bush, he brought on the biggest expansions the government has seen in over 50 years. Republicans constantly gripe about spending yet they constantly back huge corporate welfare. They yell spending has to cut to the common working man, while they are first in line to raise taxes to the rich. The last two presidents in the last 60 years were democrats, John F Kennedy an Bill Clinton. In this same period President Ronald Reagan stated that deficits were good for America. All of this going on an no one seems to really know what has landed the United States, People doesnt seem to even have a clue, all they know is to blame each other for the deficits. Should we blame President Obama? Or maybe should we blame President George W Bush? Right now it depends on what party you back is who you blame. People you need to take time to read your history books. Before the Vietnam war the United States was on solid financial ground. Then to be able to spend an infinent amount of money on the war President Richard Nixon did something that doomed this country into the financial situation we are today. So all you people can go on blaming Obana an Bush all you want. Just shoes how much you know about economics. The truth is Tricky Dick left a disaster for us all into the future. Until we can back the American dollar with something solid like gold an silver again, this problem will only continue to grow
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:27:49 +0000

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