As an aspiring writer I look forward to receiving feedback from - TopicsExpress


As an aspiring writer I look forward to receiving feedback from people about my articles/poems. I love it when people write to me and tell me that my poem spoke to them. Or when they send me their own thoughts on the subject, often leading to interesting discussions with virtual strangers. But I have had my fair share of weird interactions too. Some of the many starting from the most recent one- This guy messaged me after reading yesterdays piece on the Hindu. Starts of innocently with comments about the article. Then he asks me r u single or mrrd or engged otherwise Im intrstd. I wnt ur fathers contct no. If I was drinking coffee I might have choked on it. He then went on to give details about his education-religious and otherwise- and his job and how hes looking for a better job. He didnt mention his name, because obviously if I am single its enough that a man is interested in me, who needs details? What amused me was the way he just assumed that if I am in fact single, I would just jump at this proposal from a rando on the internet and connect him with MY DAD so he can talk to HIM about marrying ME. So what do I do till then? Make tea while the men chart out my life? The next one comes from an insurance agent. This has to be newest way to get people to buy your policies. He congratulated me and then went on to list the best policy plans for me. I was sold. Not. The last one for today- This old man who read one of my poems and messaged me congratulating me. I gave him my blog link. BIG MISTAKE. He began commenting on all my articles. In rhymes. And then he started sending me love poems he wrote for his wife to edit. BLOCKED. PS- if any of my single girlfriends wants to hookup with a nameless MBA graduate please contact me. Will provide email ID.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:47:51 +0000

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