As an avid student of the word of God, I encourage EVERYONE to go - TopicsExpress


As an avid student of the word of God, I encourage EVERYONE to go see the movie Exodus gods and kings ! I have seen so many mixed reviews regarding it amongst churchy folks, but I SAW IT FOR MYSELF last night; LISTEN, the producers cut out a lot of what happened for times sake, the movie is 2.5 hours long, example, the opposition of the egyptian magicians jannes & jambres against moses staff wasnt in there, but for the way the movie was written, GOD was still glorified and the magicians were hung for their falsity & lack of knowledge to Pharoah. The bottom line is this, though some things were not included, nothing took away from the central theme which was and is, Gods people WIN in HIM, and his Word is Supreme, I doubt that the writers created this movie to get an A in historical theology or to be recognized as preachers of the gospel, but I believe their reason was that everyone would leave that theater knowing that there is only ONE TRUE GOD, Period. To over analyze and hold Hollywood accountable for withholding certain events yet still clearly conveying them in subtle ways for footage sake is petty and very churchy,smh. Keep in mind that the book of Esther NEVER MENTIONED God, but HE was acrostically interwoven within the text, plot and storyline, you leave Esther KNOWING that GOD was the star of the show from beginning to end. So, if this is the worlds way of acknowledging God, and witnessing to one another, why is the Church so critical as always ??? Ive heard preachers in the pulpit that missed a whole lot of imperative information while ministering but we understood their heart and message; if we can see movies about angels and people dying going to heaven and coming back, surely we can applaud a movie that the world acknowledges and boldly conveys that GOD IS GOD and there is no other beside him. So mute the negative deep folk that tell you not to go see it, GO ! it will bless your life and increase your faith in things that seem impossible, knowing that God is a keeper of HIS word !!! I implore you to GO see it, and take an unbeliever too !! +TLP
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 19:37:47 +0000

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