As an environmental and animal activist I take illegal fishing - TopicsExpress


As an environmental and animal activist I take illegal fishing very seriously and support action against it BUT Im also fairly certain that was not the motivation behind this! I dont believe it was done for the good of the planet but was simply the ongoing military agression against the Papuan people that they have already endured for far too long!!! There are some VERY IMPORTANT facts missing from this article: At first glance Im sure you might have thought this is a good thing but notice the only vessels they blew up are Papuan... The 2 vessels were only SUSPECTED - They decided to blow up ALMOST all foreign vessels but actually only destroyed Papuan... The other point to note is WHERE they were siezed - The ships, the Century IV and Century VII, were caught on December 7 near the sea border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Im fairly sure the Papuan vessels were siezed in Papuan waters!!!!! For people around the world who are just finding out about the horrific political fraud and genocide committed by the Indonesian Military/government against the people of West Papua, Melanesia please read and share this short report by the AHRC. Report from the Asian Human rights commission on just a small part of the genocide committed against the West Papuan people by the Indonesian government. This report is about the massacres in the Baliem valley 1977-78, when around 10,000 West Papuans were murdered. The details are too graphic to print here but can be found in the report. They include crucifixion, boiling people alive and opening pregnant women with bayonets. https://facebook/freewestpapua/photos/pb.53611440009.-2207520000.1419922209./10154965288905010/?type=3&theater
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 08:48:48 +0000

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