As an introduction to the parable about the persistent widow, Luke - TopicsExpress


As an introduction to the parable about the persistent widow, Luke added this comment in Luke 18:1: And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Have you ever noticed that it sometimes seems that God answers prayers when we are just about to give up praying. Of course, this is not always the case. Sometimes, there is an immediate answer. But because we live in what I call a McDonalds world, where we order at the sign and pull up to the window to receive our food almost immediately (with a few, admittedly frustrating exceptions), we think that God should answer our prayers in the same way. And, unfortunately, that is not always the way things work. God wants for us to be persistent in prayer. What that means is that He wants for us to pray without ceasing. He wants for us to continue to believe that He hears our prayers, and will answer in His time, even if He doesnt answer immediately. God wants our faith to be strengthened, and the only way to strengthen our faith is to try it. So, He sometimes delays, and His desire is that we keep on keeping on. His desire is that we be patient and wait for the promised and desired end. We will not always get what we WANT in prayer, but we will always get Gods best, because He loves to give His children great gifts. Persistence in prayer can be difficult, especially when we feel the need to be urgent, as most of our needs feel. But our sense of crisis is sometimes exaggerated. Sometimes the need is really just a want that we have been particularly anxious about. Other times, on the other hand, our needs are genuinely urgent, but God has purposed to allow us to wait for the promised answer. It is not that He doesnt care, or that He wants to make us suffer. Remember that Gods plans for us are always to prosper us. But He taught this parable to keep us mindful that we should always pray, and not faint. In other words, Dont give up. If you, like me, have felt that you were at your wits end, and ready to quit, remember that the Lord is your strength. Rely on Him. He will answer. Keep praying, and trusting that His timing is the absolute best for all concerned.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 22:59:31 +0000

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