As became evident during September 11th, 2001, and in the - TopicsExpress


As became evident during September 11th, 2001, and in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, our federal & local governments and relief organizations are not always equipped or prepared for such unexpected and widespread devastation. Sheep Dog’s aim is to bypass the slow-moving bureaucracy and red tape of larger organizations. Instead, its strength lies in small, localized, independent chapters made up of those already trained and ready to help: your community’s current and former military, emergency and law enforcement personnel. HOW WE ARE DIFFERENT • All active and reserve members in SDIA are current or former military or public safety personnel. • Our Disaster Relief Teams are well trained and well equipped professionals who understand the Emergency Management System and know how a Chain of Command works. Our goal is to integrate seamlessly and safely with first responders on the scene and not get in the way. The structure and focus behind our disaster relief missions: 1: General Community Assistance – Search & Rescue, Clear roads (Tree cutting), Fill Sand Bags, etc… We will do whatever we can to assist communities in need. We welcome any and all challenges…helping others is all that matters. 2: Provide 72 Hour Survival Kits – Water, Food (MRE), Basic Medical, Shelter (Tarp) and Blanket, etc… 3: Trained & Experienced Members – Men and women with a background in one of the following fields…Military, Law Enforcement, Fire & Rescue, and/or EMS Key points… - We must NEVER become part of the problem! Every effort will be put forth to not hinder others and their efforts to recover during a disaster…we must ensure that we are part of the solution, not the problem. - Helping is Healing - The idea that helping others enables one to heal from physical or emotional wounds…over time, helping others can be the “cure” for many wounds. Perspective is key. Our Mission To provide a civilian framework through which trained emergency and military personnel extend their service to society; to assist our neighbors in times of disaster and our own in times of hardship; to respond independently, efficiently and strategically, achieving the greatest impact possible. “I’ve always considered myself a ‘survival’ thinker: hope for the best but always plan for the worst… don’t expect others to be there ready to pick you up when the going gets tough… take care of yourself and your family… and make your own ‘luck’. “Hurricane Katrina changed my way of thinking in regards to helping others — understanding that you can’t always prepare for the worst, because the worst can be far beyond anything you could have prepared for or expected. “Sometimes people do deserve more from others, assistance, even if it’s just enough to help get them through the night, or through a few days of unexpected hardship. Most people do not want or expect to be coddled. They just want a chance to catch their breath, and a helping hand that enables them to stand on their own two feet. My hope for Sheep Dog is that we will be there for people when they least expect it, and when they need it most.” —Founder/President, 1stSgt Lance Nutt (USMC), on the founding of Sheep Dog
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:29:38 +0000

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