As everyone can see, I havent been on Facebook since the July 6th - TopicsExpress


As everyone can see, I havent been on Facebook since the July 6th post. My disdain for Congressman Jolly was driving me crazy, as he tells everyone, so I decided after that post would shut down my Facebook. And then:..... It has almost been a year since I lost the love of my life, my husband, the father of my children. It has been a horrible 10 months, mostly because of Jolly, but his silent harassments are just a gift that just keeps on giving and I am getting really sick of him. If he wanted me silent, the things he continues to do are not the way to do it. Over the last six months, so many constituents have ran into me and told me that they tried to get a hold of me, to either help them with a veterans problem or to invite me to a program to give me and my family an award for Bills 53 years of service. Everyone of these people told me that they Called Congressman Jollys office to ask how to get in contact with me or asked them to contact me and give me a message and were treated with cold disrespect and the answer , we dont know how to get a hold of her. About a month ago a Pinellas County Business organization wanted to give me an award for Bills service, and congressman Jolly was the key note speaker. Amazingly, the organization never was able to contact me, instead they were directed to my son because someone didnt want me to accept the award where Congressman Jolly was speaking. Grow the hell up. My son accepted the award graciously. I wanted to here this for myself, so last week I called Congressman Jollys office and asked them if they could advise me on how to get in contact with Congressman Youngs wife. A woman named Stephanie told me We have no idea how to contact her and hung up. First of all my husband served a wonderful 53 years in Congress and always took care of his constituents. I spent 30 years at his side, doing whatever I could to help our troops. In my opinion, it is tasteless and disgusting that Congressman Jollys office would treat any of his inquiring constituents this way. Nicole Smith, the high paid 26 year old with a police record definitely knows how to get a hold of me. She is the cousin to my son Patricks wife Michelle. She never had any trouble getting a hold of me when her mother was dying in a hospital and needed my help. Which I took care of immediately. She had no trouble getting a hold of me the night she couldnt afford to get her mothers medical prescriptions filled. I took care of her mothers prescriptions immediately. She had no problem getting a hold of me when I took her with me to Bethesda Naval Hospital to visit the injured troops, but now, this cousin of my daughter in law, employee of Congressman Jollys, cant seem to help constituents out contacting me. Sharon Ghezzi, an extremely high paid employee had no problem ever getting a hold of me. She was married to my cousin for 30 years. Her husband left her and didnt come back and I saved her also. I heard she was retiring from Congressman Jolly but until now, she definitely had my number, but she too, couldnt assist Congressman Jollys constituents because, in my opinion, that paycheck was all that counted. Natalie Campagnolla, another Congressman Jolly employee that couldnt help constituents contact me is supposedly the best friend of my daughter in law. She never had a problem contacting me either when she needed something from Congressman Young while he was alive. And then there is your beloved Congressman, David Jolly. My husband took him in right out of college, he taught my kids to drink, play golf and party. He lives 4 blocks from my house. I took him into the limelight in politics, introduced him to his high political investors, even made a commercial for him and got him elected. Not by much, by 2%, but he won. Now he tells businesses and constituents that he doesnt know how to get me. This is what we have. This is why after seeing what he did to my husbands staff in a blink of an eye, what he did to tear our family apart is the reason I said I wouldnt support him. I was going to walk away but then he just had to keep pushing. I went to Congressman Jollys house several weeks ago, yes, at 2:00 in morning, after crying all night over the mess he made between me and my youngest son. I went there to call a truce, to ask him to leave my Grandkids out of his hatred for me, but he refused to answer the door. I wanted to TALK TO HIM. But the Congressman I mistakenly helped get elected, the man my husband and family trusted refused to answer the door. What he did was called the police on me, told them he didnt want to press charges he just wanted them to be aware. aware of what? He told the police he had harassing e-mails from me, I was harassing him. A grown man afraid to open a door to a 58 year old grandmother of 11. And then to call the police? Grow up David. I am sure you will come up with your slick lawyer bullshit answer, or have poor Rudy do it for you, but I dont care anymore. I am sick and tired of the things you are suggesting and telling people and I am sick of you. I am sick of you telling my son that everything i do to you will affect his political career. Well, guess what Congressman Jolly? he won with the support of 80% of the Republican party, higher than anything you will ever conquer. The people of Pinellas County obviously know that the Young Family loves them, that WE CARE about what happens to this county and to our Country and the voters spoke, Congressman Jolly.So all the attempts at intimidating my children again where fruitless. Keep playing your childish, stupid games, David. I am so sick of you I could throw up every time I hear your name. Anyone that needs to get a hold of me can call me on my cell phone. I never thought for a minute he would stoop to the level of not allowing me and my family to be acknowledged by any business or constituent that wanted to do so. my number is 727-729-2562. Please share this with everyone on your friends list so if anyone needs me or just wants to talk about Bill they dont have to bother with the standard response from Congressman Jollys office. Shame on you David for acting like a spoiled child. Bill and I gave you this opportunity and you have made a mockery out of it.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:12:51 +0000

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