As everyone knows I am a Peyton Manning fan. Yesterdays game I - TopicsExpress


As everyone knows I am a Peyton Manning fan. Yesterdays game I never seen one play. I didnt turn it on. I had a feeling they wouldnt win but they got destroyed. But I still love him un like you traders and ban wagon people. See to me winning 8 games a year and a super bowl is ok you can be happy your so so team won a superbowl. But I like being happy 13 games a year out of 16! So your team may have won but I was happier longer than you! Now to my next point. Peyton did not lose the superbowl the Denver broncos did. Its funny the shit you small minded people say. He is 1 man and he just throws the ball. He cant go catch it for them! He cant make the center hike the ball correctly. He is just weapon in a team of people. So why knock this one man. Is he not one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time did he not break 5 records this year alone. Is he not as modest as they come? When he passed the single season TD record he said Tom win probable break it next year. last night Peyton Manning through for 280 yards! Russell Wilson only through for 206! So I guess Peyton through 72 more yards than him and srtill only scored 8 points to their 43! Team stats Brancos total yards was 306 Seahawks 341. So they had only 35 more yards than the Brancos. The score says it all The Seahawks one but Denver lost not Peyton Manning! These quarterbacks always take the blame. 2 interceptions sucks but against the toughest defense in the NFL thats nothing! So thanks Peyton for the great season and all the records broken and being the bigger man!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:18:01 +0000

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