*As far as Im concerned, he can keep his apology because he meant - TopicsExpress


*As far as Im concerned, he can keep his apology because he meant what he said when he said it, and the only reason hes apologizing is because he received a significant amount of blow back for what he said. It always ticks me off when I see those who dont know how certain groups live and have experienced think they do and proceed to make First Class jackasses out of themselves. I wont be spending my money on Oldmans new movie, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and I love the Planet of the Apes series. I just wont put money into the pockets of offensive people who cant find it within themselves to treat others the way they wish to be treated. If I dont use the word nigger, and I dont like hearing other blacks use it, what would make Oldman think Id like hearing him use the word? WP:Abraham H. Foxman, executive director of the ADL, said: “Gary Oldman’s remarks irresponsibly feed into a classic anti-Semitic canard about supposed Jewish control of Hollywood and the film industry. He should know better than to repeat and give credence to tired anti-Semitic tropes. Mel Gibson’s ostracization in Hollywood was not a matter of being ‘politically incorrect,’ as Mr. Oldman suggests, but of paying the consequences for outing himself as a bigot and a hater. It is disturbing that Mr. Oldman appears to have bought into Mr. Gibson’s warped and prejudiced world view.”
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 00:02:40 +0000

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