As far as changing of the guard goes, it wouldnt matter who gets - TopicsExpress


As far as changing of the guard goes, it wouldnt matter who gets elected. The people here who have the money have control and they dont want to see things change in this town. I dont know of any other city that needed to do a study to see if Tim Hortons traffic actually was interfering with city traffic! The city had a prime company ready, willing and able to set up here years back. In somebodys wisdom it was decided that large car manufacturer was not needed here because we had Algoma Steel here. The manufacturer moved on to southern Ontario and has been expending their operations ever since. When the natives from Sault Michigan wanted to build a casino/convention centre/hotel here a deal was quickly put together behind closed doors with the OLG to erect a temporary casino here. That was put together by some people who did not want the natives here at all. Then when the deal was struck the natives where told to come on over and invest in the waterfront. They looked at the beautiful new temp. casino and its parking lot an told the city How can we build now. Half of the property is a parking lot now. So low and behold we still have our temp. casino and a roof on it that keeps tearing. As for as the land left by the casino goes, it would be difficult to raise interest for anyone who has the smarts to even go their and invest. Not to mention that we have a wonderful street cutting the property approximately in half. We have a closed/abandoned breweries property that is going nowhere. Im curious as to who paid the bill for the partial demolition after the fire. The downtown area including reviving Gore Street would be a long hall. Its more convenient for the customers to go to a mall under a roof verses shopping downtown. And if you take a look the Golden Mile is aptly named. The east end mall as always been a dud and I still wonder how some business are able to survive in that type of environment. It is a good tax write off for whoever owns it though. Tourism and call centers are not the be all and end all here to solve the dilemma of this beautiful city slowly dying. If they want to promote this city one possible way would be to follow in Elliot Lakes example and sell the idea of attracting seniors here! As far as the EDC goes they are a waste of money. I needed info so it was recommended that I go to the Chambers of Commerce. From there I was referred to the EDC. The person there told me they dont have a answer because they just can advise you were to go. So low and behold I was referred to a local law firm and given its phone number. I ended trying the Service Ontario office and was told the answer by a very knowledgeable staff member. And youll never guess I went there on my own since no one in this towns agencies seems to know whats going on or really capable of giving me a concrete answer. Must be nice to collect a paycheck not really know anything and advise you to see a law firm which I am sure charges by the hour. Years back I had a discussion with a long time entrepreneur in town. They stated That if you can open a business in this town and then survive you could open a business any where in Canada. After seeing and experiencing our fine cities red tape, uninformed agency workers, and hoops to jump through I have a tendency to lean towards this gentlemans thinking. Our youth are jumping ship because they can see that this place is going no ware fast. And there is no way that a individual will loose their position in city hall. They are there and will stay there come hell or high water.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 06:50:47 +0000

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