As he was giving his speech on labour day at Uhuru park, the COTU - TopicsExpress


As he was giving his speech on labour day at Uhuru park, the COTU secretary Francis Atwoli acknowledged the efforts made by the one SONU president, his Excellency Babu Owino. He described him as the most influential & competent student leader in the East African region. This came after Babu Owino declined an offer of Ksh 4,375,000 meant to higher comrades from the great University of Nairobi (UoN) to destabilize & cause chaos at Uhuru park during the celebrations. This was all organized by PUSETU but bore no fruits as the SONU president even organized transport for comrades to attend the celebrations and thereafter organized lunch worth Ksh 350 for the 1064 comrades who attended. Atwoli vowed to cater for all expenses for 36 University of Nairobi student leaders to Geneva, Switzerland to implement their leadership skills. Long live COTU, Long live University of Nairobi. #peace
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 17:05:17 +0000

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