As human beings, gifted with rational thought, logic, and a - TopicsExpress


As human beings, gifted with rational thought, logic, and a healthy dose of curiosity about the world that surround us, we have the ability to reach goals we could not imagine at this moment. We can colonize and explore the universe, which we used to think was much smaller, and impossible to explore. We can eradicate diseases and allow everyone to lead a long and prosperous life in peace, while we explore the vast unknowns of the universe. If only we can reach our fullest potential, we can establish a near-utopian society. Unfortunately this would only happen once 100% of people become secular atheists who endorse science, logic, and reason. Theistic myths hold us back from reaching our true potential, because they suppress our humanity through their totalitarian worldviews. Therefore, as Dawkins put it so eloquently, we have to mock them and ridicule them in public. We need to be aggressive when making theists realize their stories are just lies and that they make a fool out of themselves for still believing them in the 21st century. It is already happening, were on the road to a secular and brighter future, and I hope Ill be still alive when it happens. Once that happens, most wars would stop, trillions of dollars would be freed up for welfare and science, and we could start colonizing the galaxy. This is why once atheism becomes accepted as fact, and theism is treated as the mental illness and insanity that it is, there should be a 3 step program to secure the scientific and humanistic advancement of the human race. 1°: Rehabilitation. Teach the religious how their beliefs are just delusions. I think this would be successful for at least 90% of the cases, because not all theists are theists due to their mental illness, but due to indoctrination. 2°: Sterilization. If people dont renounce their religion they should be sterilized. This way, they die alone and wont be able to spread their delusion to children and outbreed atheists, like they are doing now. Just look at the statistics for Europe, Muslims there are outbreeding secular atheists and native religious people. While we can overcome that problem, it is clear that if we would allow them to outbreed us and engulf us with their hordes of delusional drones, they would reach their goal of establishing a caliphate inside their old enemy Europe. Thus making sure they cannot breed and spread religoin, a virus of the mind, would prevent an idiocracy/theocracy situation from occurring. 3°: Imprisonment. If there are still people publicly preaching their religion or teaching it to our children after this, they should be thrown in either an asylum or in a prison. An asylum because religion is a mental illness, prison because indoctrination is a crime against humanity. They can make license plates for cars after that along with picking up from trash by the road, so that they are not a complete waste of tax money by just sitting in a prison. Only after this all happens worldwide will a near-utopian society would be possible. Proof of this method working though can be found within any decent history text book about the Soviet Union. Soviet Russia transformed from an agrarian society to the first nation in space in a few decades by eradicating theism. The PRC also implemented similar policies during the 60s/70s which led to the confiscation of religious property and opened the way to the economic successes of today. Likewise, Russias economic failures during the 90s can be linked to a rise of religion. The reason that Soviet Russia didnt become a fully fledged utopia (rather, the opposite) is due to the religious influences that were still around at the time. The Soviet Union failed to eradicate the church completely after all. What are your thoughts on the matter? Should we actively pursue the cause to make theists deconvert, or should we allow to believe whatever delusion they want, even if that could lead to terrible situation? Once we live in a secular world, should we not mind religion at all, or should we actively seek to hinder its parasitic weed-like growth by discouraging people from believing?
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 18:25:39 +0000

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