As humans advance and gain more knowledge on the way things are - TopicsExpress


As humans advance and gain more knowledge on the way things are and why they are the way they are, a deeper urge appears to develop in us to understand who we really are and why we are here in this dimension of life. In the past, we got our guidance on our humanity from the discipline of natural sciences, which depicted human beings as physical beings with some mysterious something operating inside the brain…, which was termed ‘mind,’ that gave us ability to think. But as this science advanced, with discoveries of more advanced technological equipments that were able, for example, to peer into the brain as it functioned and showed what goes on when a thought force is developed in the brain, man was armed with a deeper knowledge that pointed to an astounding truth- that we are more than physical beings. Amazingly, the advancement in knowledge appeared to holistically take place in all areas of discipline, as if a divine being had wittingly opened a reservoir of knowledge to shower us, earthlings, with knowledge in all forms and aspects. Neural science, the discipline that deals with the knowledge of how the brain functions, for example, unraveled a greater truth that a thought is transmitted from one cell of the brain to another, otherwise known as neurons, in the form of electrical signal. At the same time, a group of people, calling themselves ‘deep thinkers and seekers of truth,’ had emerged and devoted their time in a deep state of meditation that gave them insights, which showed that man is more of mind than a mere mortal being. They reasoned that the mind of man cannot be something that is merely sprinkled in the brain to give us our thinking abilities by processing thought forces. Instead, these great men who dared to think beyond the norm reasoned that man is more than what is seen in the physical; man is mind with a physical instrument known as the ‘body’ to enable him connects with the created in the physical universe. But this new way of thinking did not make sense at first. The level of human knowledge, at the time, could not comprehend this new line of reasoning. Furthermore, man who had acquired knowledge through a system of inductive reasoning, appeared, at first, not to have anything with similar instances to the human mind that would lead us to a principle that gave rise to the mind’s way of thinking. The only thing that could give rise to the reasoning on why mind is the way it is was the Spirit of the God of the Bible according to the Christian and the Jewish religion as well as the Eastern religion’s Conscious Mind- but there was a challenge as the Spirit was Infinite while the spirit of man was individualized. During this time, however, the Western civilization was taking a keen interest in the Eastern believe of a Divine Being, whom they believe to be in the form of Energy or Conscious Mind that permeates the entire Universe, believed to be everywhere present, all powerful and all knowing. As this interest was taking centre stage, Neural Scientists were confirming that this Energy was the same energy that was being observed in the brain cells of man also referred to as ‘thought’ in the form of electrical signal. Consequently, physicists, who had been engaged in the extensive search of a theory of everything, were coming to a conclusion that the smallest particle element, known as a ‘Quark,’ which is the building block of all matter in the entire Universe, consists of three pockets containing energy in its most pure form. They also found out that the Energy in the three vortexes (pockets), being in its most pure form, must also be all powerful, since it is in its most pure form; it permeate the entire universe, and is in and behind all matter, hence everywhere present. Also, since it is the energy that joins together with energy of similar charge to form into the different matter in the universe, including ourselves, it must also be all knowing. In short, this Energy is Omnipresence, Omnipotence as well as Omniscience. It is the life giving force behind all life in the Universe and in it, we lived and move and have our being. Equally, deep thinkers were gaining insights that showed that we are surrounded by a life giving Energy that is all around us as well as within us. They were also confirming that through this Energy, we live and move and have our being. Amazingly, this is also what scientists were telling us about the Energy in the vortices that forms a Quark. As we have seen above, it is also what the Eastern religions were telling us about the Energy of the Divine Being that they worship. Astoundingly, the Bible also tells us that the Spirit of God is everywhere present (Omnipresence), All powerful (Omnipotence) as well as All knowing (Omniscience) and that through this Spirit, we live and move and have our being. Where science was not able to give us much insights beyond this intangible Energy, deep thinkers and seekers of truth as well as spiritualists had gone further to unravel more mystery in the intangible source of all creation- all life. They found out that this Energy is Conscious of Itself, that It is Mind, Being, Absolute, All, Life Truth, Reality, Spirit, God; that it is the only reality there is; the only Conscious that knows Itself ; that It is self evolving Consciousness; That there is no other power within It or beyond It; It is self existence; the Absolute essence of all there is; It is Infinite Intelligence; It is the Universe; it is both Cause as well as Effect- the within and the without; the creator and the creation. They also found out that this Energy, being God, is Spirit; It is also Word and this Word is the Idea as well as the Thought of God. They described the Trinity of this Being as the Unity of the three figurehead of God described in the Bible. They also discovered that God the Spirit, operates through His Word and that the Word is Love and is spontaneous. They informed us that the Word is the all giving Idea of God and that the Spirit of God which is Conscious Mind in that It is Conscious of Itself has Soul, which is just beneath the Spirit but is not in conflict with the Spirit- this is the Holy Ghost; the Law of the Spirit. It is not in conflict with the Spirit in that It is Subjective to the Spirit. It is therefore the Subjective Mind of the Spirit. It is not knowing although it has infinite Intelligence; It is the servant of the Spirit throughout all ages. It is the Mold- the substance of things not seen, upon which the Spirit of God lets His Idea, Thought or Word of God fall into to mold into form all matter spread out across the entire expanse of the Universe in what we call creation. The deep thinkers also told us that there is only one Conscious Mind in the Universe. This means that there is only one Power, One Energy in the Universe, hence the Harmony that is evident all around us. They also told us that there is only one Subjective Mind in the Universe, hence one form of substance. They told us that our conscious mind is the individualized Mind of God in us, making us the children of the Most High- the highest expression of God. They also told us that we do not have individualized subjective mind, as this would cause a duality which is impossible, but our subjective mind is our usage of the Universal Subjective Mind. This fitted in very well with what the Bible tells us, that we are made in the image and in the likeness of God. It also confirmed the teaching of the Bible that we are gods and the children of the Most High and that we are of a royal priesthood and have the fullness of the deity. It also showed us how it is that the Kingdom of God is within us and how God lives in us since scientists tells us that through the subjective mind in the cells all over our bodies, we live and move and have our being. They pointed out to us that the greatest challenge to humanity is to awaken to our consciousness and realize our oneness with the Universal source of all Life. This awakening is the conscious realization of whom we truly are- that is, our spirituality. It is the realization of our spirituality. It is the awakening of the person inside each and every one of us.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 05:54:05 +0000

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