As i add anoda year today and a step towards my grave,i tank d - TopicsExpress


As i add anoda year today and a step towards my grave,i tank d heavens fr d opportunity to come dis far,i pray dat i will nt b a curse to my generation bt a positive impart on my generation.o lord pls constantly remind me dat from dust i came and to dust i shall return wen it pleases the appreciation to my parents who saw me tru thick and thin,big brada emmentos bocade whom we withered d storms of life together,bro!,ure a comrade,my five sisters who are always showing me luv and care even as a bachelor,members of my extended family who are alwys there and my friends from childhood to dis present day who have made d world worth living.i may not hav played my part to beta ur lots as i should,but remb am just a mere mortal running d race of life.Not to forget all dos i have offended,am glad,i now hav d opportunity to say sori,am really sori,its an attribute of human beings.its a pleasure and i pray wen all have bn said and done and its tym to take a bow,it will b written on my epitapdis man lived at peace with all and allowed others to live .
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:20:29 +0000

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