As i exited the small passage way that was blocked by a red gate - TopicsExpress


As i exited the small passage way that was blocked by a red gate at its entrance, i saw a group of people gathered around one particular man. They all stared at him with obvious fascination as he yelled at a certain individual amongst the gathering, who stood right in front of him. I moved in for a closer look, then found myself at the right hand of that individual being addressed by the man who had the semi-circled group around him in marvel. I noticed a red sheet spread on the floor in-between the two men. Atop this red sheet stood jars, transparent jars. Inside each jar were particles that resembled roots, diced to fit into the jars that had small circular openings. There was also some kind of light-yellow liquid with the roots in the jars. Also on the sheet were some cash, probably placed there by some persons in the crowd that were thrilled by this mans displays, of which the individual being addressed right then might be one. The man spoke very loudly and with authority, he asked the individual he was addressing to carry out some actions: Take a pinch of sand, place it into this container... Take another... Another... Lift your right hand, take it this direction... And that direction... Catch it... Its coming, catch it... Put it in the container... Put it in... !!!!.... He then picked up the container (which was slightly different from the jars with the roots and liquid in them), closed the cover, shook it rigorously and placed it on the ground. He lifted his right hand, high above his head; he spread the fingers of that palm as he made incoherent incantations. Everyone in the crowd cringed. Even the individual he was addressing moved back a few feet. I tried to remain unflinched but i must confess that his demonstrations and the crowds awe gave me a bit of fear, which i shook off very quickly. A person by my left remarked not to have some of his divination scar you somehow, as he referred to the individual the man was addressing. The man then picked up the container, lo and behold it was full! The container the individual had placed only a few pinch of sand was full, completely full of a certain yellow substance that i am unable to identify what exactly it was. He showed it to all that gathered around him. Making sure we all had seen it, he closed it up and made some more incantations. But before he closed the container, he took just a pinch of this substance and mixed it with another which he also had on the red sheet; he wrapped the new mixture in a small piece of nylon and handed over to the individual. He picked up the container from where he had placed it on the red sheet. The container that had been full of the yellow substance, as he picked it up, opened its lid, and showed to the crowd, it was now totally empty. Not a grain of sand nor the yellow substance was in it. Nothing. The fascination of this group was peaked. I smiled slyly, trying not to show my thrill. When i realised that there was nothing more for me to see here, i left. Pictures of the magic texts and symbols i had come across just a few days before went through my mind once more as i walked away from this crowd. Rumis popular quotation replays in my head even now: That which you seek is seeking you. Magic! ................................................................
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:18:50 +0000

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