As i said i would Im posting a bit of a fan fic Im writing.. I - TopicsExpress


As i said i would Im posting a bit of a fan fic Im writing.. I have more already done but if you like it ill post more if not.. Well you know Ciel~ Fools, whats a fool? Dictionarys tell us it means that your foolish or silly. So does society. But what does it really mean? Am i a fool? Is everyone a foolish at times? How or when do you become foolish or. fool? My name is ciel Phantomhive, beloved son of Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive. I am now earl Phantomhive as my parents died in a fire when i was ten. I didnt think i was going to live back then. Hate, regret filled my life, even to the point where i was making a contract with a demon. What a foolish mistake. But a bigger fool i was yet to be. I ask the demon for one thing and that was to get revenge on the people who killed my parents. That i did. The moment he knelt in front of me. Looking into my eyes, pulling my eye patch off my right eye, showing the contract sign. I knew it was over. I was almost certain. But it hit me. I was in love with this demon. Why? Because he showed me the way. I thought i was going to die after my parents did. I lost all hope, a filthy, dirty kid. I was shunned down on but he came to my side. Let me have hope again. Thats why i fell in love with him. That is what made me a fool. But a demon was hard to please, they had hardly any emotions let alone any at all. It was rare that he would ever love me back. So why did i still love him? Because i am a fool. Dante~ Who am? I didnt even know myself. So how was anyone else suppose to know who i was? The parents i lived with for most my life told me my name was Dante Madlock. Son of Andrew and Olivia Madlock. I lived in England,went to an all boys academy. Had friends, family, a good life. So why did i feel like i didnt know myself? I felt like i didnt belong in this family. Well i think i know now. When i was ten both my parents were killed in a road accident while i was at school. They never picked me up that afternoon. I knew something was wrong. So i ran home, police everywhere. So what else was there to do? Nothing else that would fit my destiny so i ran. I ran through the busy city and down a bushy hill. Thats where i met her. Naylo Michaelis. What strange name. She was stunning demon. Her eyes glowed red and her long black hair was beautiful. She told me her age. I didnt believe her. She looked my age. I told her my situation when i started crying. Thats when she offered me a wish for my soul. What a tempting offer. But first what was my wish? To fill that emptiness? No,it was more then that, i wanted to know who i was. She laughed telling me that was foolish as it would be easy to fulfil and i would loose my life so quickly. I didnt care. What else had i left in this would? She made a deal with me and placed my contract mark on my right eye. She made me wear an eyepatch so it didnt stand put so much. What did i care? This was only the beginning. Ciel~ Sebastian? i called to my demon. Yes master? he answered smiling slightly. Fetch me my afternoon tea. i snapped getting a little frustrated. you still havent gotten the fact that demons posse only souls, not tea. the demon sighed. But why do i still crave a good cup of tea? i smirked standing up. very well then, what do you think we should do now? i asked. thats not my choice. he answered adjusting the paperwork on my study desk. I sighed, Lets just spend the day here then? i offered. if thats what you want. Sebastian replied what about all the boxes in the attic? Want to go through them? he asked. I shrugged why not? I have time now.. i stood up making my way towards him. this way then. he smiled grimly leading me to where the attic stairs are. I climbed them cautiously. dont worry master, i have your back. he told me. I nodded and continued walking up. The room was full of dust and looked like it hadnt been occupied for centuries. I started to cough. master, how about i take some of the boxes down and you just sort through them? he offered. I nodded backing down. I placed myself on the floor waiting for Sebastian to pass a box down. here we go master. Sebastian teased handing a box down to me. I glared as i started going through the box. Books, notes, pens, photographs and drawings. There was all sorts of stuff that my mother had stored away. Sadly i never had tome to go through this before now. Have you found anything valuable? Sebastian asked im not sure yet. i reply pulling out a family photo. I tore it in two tossing it on the ground. master!?my demon friend said alarmed Yes? i answer are you alright? You appear to be upset. he asked. No just annoyed at all these photos. i sighed. lets get a bit of fresh air. i remarked
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 11:00:52 +0000

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