As i sit here i have just been reminded of how precious we are and - TopicsExpress


As i sit here i have just been reminded of how precious we are and our lives in this world. so with tears gently flowing i want to remind you that ALL life is precious!! we shouldnt squander what we are given, and the fact is we are alive in part to not only our families, but alot of heartache and people over the years fighting so that we can make these choices in life. rules are instilled from us at a young age, but alas as kids we fight these rules, i mean why should we do this or do that. Its only as we grow older that we can see what we were being shown, and that maybe we become something that someone we knew or know can be proud of... its ok to say im wrong, or to make mistakes, hell i think thats what we do best. Sometimes mistakes can define us for the better, even experiences each and every one of us has or is going through. Never EVER feel you are less than you are. Everyone is special no exceptions, and male or female young or old grab onto life, grab onto friends, even if only just meeting for the first time whether its online or in real life take every single second to live, or listen or just to smile or laugh. We may only be here for what is the blink of an eye but with that blink we can shape not only ourselves but each other. We entwine ourselves our lives with another on a daily basis but we dont truly see what we ourselves have become, and we may not admit it but every soul, every life is turning from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly and that is what i see in everyone a bright shining light, a beacon of love and humanity. so as Christmas approaches let us all share our light together and reach out to others and become not only stronger but to be who we can.... Merry Christmas to all and those that have come into my life, or yet too and for helping my light shine. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Mayra Franco Michelle Tuffley Jan Myers Crystal G Watson Jennifer Miller Jennifer Rivard Jessica Sayre Jennifer Wilcox Jessica Renee Brooks Kelly Chilcote Laura Sparks Jonathan Sparks Shannon Shay Anderson Sharon Sparks True Bronze Dorothy Triplett Dorothy Rose Susan Craig Amanda Knight Amanda Wickie McLaren Amber Livengood Barbara Cassidy Cheryl Bace Dawn Chelle Carolyn Davis Zira Luna Michael E. DeTorrice Julie Ion Kylie Romano Sue Romano Alba Diz Helena Bronson Javona Hollins Hayley Vaughan Hayls Stevens Jessica Haworth Hayley Shaw Katrin Reese Emma Cooper Gina Zavota Jennifer Newsome Almon Nicca Chavarria Nicole Neri Josephine Timmons Tasha Guessalot Tasha Moran Dupuis and to everyone else i didnt tag Sven DjSkitzo Waterschoot Christina Hutson
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 19:37:23 +0000

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