As in each year, Iran the hyocrite state that has killed more - TopicsExpress


As in each year, Iran the hyocrite state that has killed more Muslims in Syria (along with their beloved secularist bathist ally Bashar and Hezbollat) than the Zionists could have ever wished, is putting on its taqiyyah mask and (as it was introduced by the Shaytan Khomeini) calls the Muslim world on the last friday of every Ramadhan to march with the Rafidis+Khomeini+Khamenei+Nasrallat+Hezbollat pictures around the world. A Perfect propaganda event for the neo-Safavids and a perfect tool to fool the gullible and innocent Muslim masses into believing that Iran is the real hero of the Ummah that cares for the Palestinians. Ironically the site of Masjid Al Aqsa remained barren and was used as a rubbish tip for nearly 600 years until the Great Khalifah Omar Ibn Al-Khattab liberated Jerusalem in 637/8 AD. It was actually Sayyidina Omar who began the foundation of Masjid Al-Aqsa (with a GREEN dome, the golden dome one is NOT Masjid Al-Aqsa) and a timber mosque was built. It gets worse for the hypocrite neo-Safavids: The Umayyad Khalifah, Abd’ al Malik ibn Marwan in 691/2 [72/73 AH] began the construction of, Dome of the Rock – today this is the Golden Domed Mosque, yes, the one the ignorant Shias carry around not knowing that this Mosque was built by their arch-enemies (just like the Kaba that was rebuilt many times after the demise of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him). sonsofsunnah/2013/08/02/the-hypocrisy-of-khomeinis-%E2%80%9Cquds-day%E2%80%9D-in-iraq-ordered-in-iran/
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:12:59 +0000

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