As it applies to Self-Defense, upon finding ourselves in a - TopicsExpress


As it applies to Self-Defense, upon finding ourselves in a compromised or violent situation there is little to no thought or conscious reasoning that needs be performed. In the act of fighting, or real combat, physical intuition takes full control. We can imagine graphing these moments on a continuum. On one end is the highest degree of mindlessness and is most purely expressed during fits of blind rage or during rage blackouts. Often times those who suffer from this type of anger problem report seeing a light at the end of a tunnel which then gets snuffed out and will then come to in time as the rage passes either after some act has occurred or, as we would hope to happen, the person has been subdued or restrained during the episode in the spirit of maintaining the safety of all parties and standers-by. The other end of the continuum is seen as complete and total submission or even paralysis like a deer in headlights. calasanzdancearts.blogspot/2014/05/intuition-and-self-defense.html
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 02:21:50 +0000

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