As it is most unlikely that a statesman of Prime Minister Erdogans - TopicsExpress


As it is most unlikely that a statesman of Prime Minister Erdogans stature, ability and pedigree, will be undone by a commonplace accusation of financial corruption in a world which is predicated upon the normalisation of such activity, it goes without saying that it would have taken more than such a peccadillo to unleash the internecine power play that has openly broken out between him and his erstwhile political ally, Fethullah Gulen and which presents the greatest existential threat to the stability of the Turkish State since the political collapse of the pre-nationalist Osmanli Dawla, which was destroyed internally by the introduction of the Trojan Horse of banking. It must rather be seen as one of the many chickens returning to the roost, which means that we should not be distracted from the hidden hand of the banks in this affair. In fact, the recent threat of a damaging run of the Bank Asya (one of many influential Gulenist vehicles) has already been identified. The Muslims have yet to understand that there is no form of the modern nation state (Islamic or otherwise) that is not predisposed to function as a cover for the shady rivalries that operate according to the ruthless laws of oligarchy and as a ready-made bed for the overwhelming spawn that will be sired upon it by the monstrous incubus of international banking capitalism. Mr. Erdogan has simply strayed into an old minefield. Welcome to the nadir of the politics of power and statecraft!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:20:38 +0000

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