As it is the lead up to the Labor Day weekend, more importantly - TopicsExpress


As it is the lead up to the Labor Day weekend, more importantly the opening weekend for Division I volleyball. Here is a wish for all my volleyball friends. For the coaches: may your freshmen play with the experience and composure of a senior. May your seniors play with the hunger and the legs of your freshmen; may your travels be smooth and safe, may your hotels be free of bedbugs and have fast and free wifi, may your referees seeing eye dog make all the right calls, and may you coach like yourself and not pretend that you are Russ Rose, unless youre Russ Rose. For head coaches: may your assistants be that much smarter than they think they are. For assistant coaches: may your head coaches be as forgiving of your mistakes as you think they ought to be. For the referees, may the coaches you ref decide to go with decaf that morning, may the clipboard that the coach breaks over their knee be made of steel, may your ref stand be padded, may your gym be air conditioned, and may your Officials room be bigger than a broom closet. For the DOVOs: may your arrangements work out perfectly and your HC happy. For the players: may you play with gusto and life. Seniors, enjoy your last ride; freshmen, yes, the ball is coming really fast. And may your Subway sandwiches on the bus be delicious, OK, thats just dreaming. For the coachs wives: may your internet signal be strong and for Gametracker to not lock up. For the parents, may your heart rate be manageable when your daughter gets into the match. May your false bravado mask your inner freakout when your daughter makes a mistake. For the fans: may you always remember that everyone is 0-0 this weekend. Yes, that is what the Cubs say every year, but go with me on this! May the coach not be as big of an idiot as you had thought. Santiago Restrepo, Ed Tolentino, Kyle Robinson, Kyle Walton, Anne Kordes, Katie Dowden, Kelly Tribble-Files, Erik Peterson, Erik Fisaga, Harold Brooks, Brian Hemelgarn, Nicki Fisaga, Joe Flanigan, Joe Sagula, Timmy Balice, Jamie Leventry, Terry Gamble, Wayne Chadwick, Becky Fletcher, Peter Chang, Kim Fletcher, Lisa Patterson Orlet, April Hall, Ray Costa, Ray Gooden, Lynnette Moster, Kevin Hambly, Jo Bangert, Dave Shondell, Chuck Rey, Jill Lytle Wilson, Lee Maes, Chloe Brandewie, Kinsey Douglas, Allison Morrett, Samantha Cash, Abigail Cash, Grace Kauth, Leah Dunivan, Jon Bennett, Kyrsten Becker, Sydney Scherer, Cori Blankenship, Erin Jans, Marty Scherer, Brian Jans, Margie Meyers Kauth, Jen Fry, Dan King, Mitch Jacobs, Mitchell Wheeler, Kimberly Martinez, Tasha Tanner-Lovins, Joshua Lauer, Debra Lauer, Abbi Hayes, Shelton Collier, Ben Bodipo-Memba, Bond Shymansky, Jennifer Dorr, Chris Hertel.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:16:59 +0000

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