As it so happened one day in JerkyTown, I was in the Sinkhole - TopicsExpress


As it so happened one day in JerkyTown, I was in the Sinkhole drinking some Moonbeam Moonshine (distilled by the infamous Moonbeam gang, headed by Ophelia herself) when I overheard the Prefecture discussing with one of his Imps that he was going to arm his goons and succubae’s with shotguns and kill all the foxes in the land, as they had become naughty and mischievous, causing much trouble and property damage. The Prefecture was not a well liked man, as he was haughty and arrogant and meddled in everyone’s affairs. He issued orders and laws on a whim and he was extremely nosy, even going so far as to collect everyone’s garbage and rooting through it to discover tidbits and secrets about the villager’s lives. I hurried over to the Cosmo Emporium to tell Eva. Upon hearing the details of the vile plan, Eva eyes changed from a pale cerulean blue to a dark gray green, cold and turgid, as one might imagine the frigid North Sea would look on an overcast winter day. I had to look away. She mentioned nothing more about it. That night everyone in JerkyTown had the same dream. An ancient wizened She Fox, her hair sparse and white, her teeth blunted and eyes occluded with cataracts, appeared to everyone and said that she knew her children had misbehaved and she had spoken to them, prevailing upon even the more wilder grandchildren to not cause so much mischief and that, from now on, all the Foxes would bark only when a happy event was about to occur. When everyone awoke, they discovered that the Prefectures house had burned to the ground that night and the Prefecture himself was seen wandering about in rags, his skin smudged by the fire, begging for scraps of food. All his Imps were afflicted with poxes and sores and wattles and to an Imp, ran off into the hills to hide in caves, never to be seen again. When I asked Eva about these events, she shrugged and muttered she didn’t know anything about it. On a certain early morning not long after, when a crescent moon (with the points turned up) hung in the eastern sky, all the Foxes in the land began barking and yipping at once. Some of the more grumpy villagers, awakened, groused that the Foxes were causing trouble again. Soon though, they all realized that, true to the dream, the Foxes, from the Old Ones, down to the smallest Kit, were barking to announce the happy event of Eva’s birthday! And what more auspicious and happy event could there be! And , from then on, every time someone heard a Fox bark, they knew something happy and wonderful was about to occur, and the Foxes were never more joyful and exuberant in their barking than on the morning of Eva’s birthday every year!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 21:19:39 +0000

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