As ive sat here today... i have pondered an wondered in my mind - TopicsExpress


As ive sat here today... i have pondered an wondered in my mind of all the critters that have come into my life an how ive got to share each of them with you...when my little Pearlie Mae started actin sick i became worried very quickly as these little fellas can turn sick on ya you have to act quick... askin for prayer was my first act... i sat in my closet for the last two nights with her... the first night every hour i checked on her..last night i sat an held her an massaged her to keep her i sat there i began to talk with God with tears trinklin down my cheeks of how i understand so many things in life .. how things happen for a reason.. i also was tryin to prepare myself for the worse..yet refused to give in simply because i believe in the power of prayer..even with such a tiny creature as she... i spoke to God as if He was sittin right there in front of me..told him i know i may sound silly askin for such a great prayer for her to get better when the world holds so much illness an i sit in my closet talkin with you askin for her to have another she is truly a Sunshine in my life..not my only but a very needy one an i am here to do all i can with all i have.. i told Him she needed me as much as i needed Her...
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 01:13:15 +0000

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