As long as the commissioners are considering legislation about - TopicsExpress


As long as the commissioners are considering legislation about animal control issues, I hope they consider making it mandatory to spay/neuter anything BEFORE it leaves the pound. If your dog gets out and gets picked up, too bad for you. Mandatory spay/neuter of all captured animals. Do a better job keeping your dogs and cats up, people, or the rest of us who are sick of getting mauled by your problem animal are going to start shooting them. Pretty near heart failure after a run-in with an unleashed and aggressive chocolate male Pit Bull while trying to walk my dog on a leash in my neighborhood today. Thank God that animal control was just around the corner and they caught him after I stood there kicking him in the face repeatedly when he was going after my dog. What in the heck is wrong with you people who let your dogs run loose? How many innocent people and animals have to be injured before you pull your collective heads out of your exit digestive orifices and be responsible? Why do you even have dogs that you dont take care of? And, no, it isnt a misidentification. Ive trained enough of them over the last 30 years to recognize a beautiful representative of the breed. The jacked up thing is that if I had been carrying a gun and shot the menace to society, I would have been charged with something stupid like brandishing a weapon in a residential area since I dont have a CC permit. It makes so much sense to leave everything intact because you might want it to reproduce some day. Because we NEED more Pit Bulls and Labs and Lab/Pit mixes in rescue and mutts getting the pink juice at the pound. Bunch of idiots.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 18:32:58 +0000

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