As long as they embrace struggle and mistakes, they can learn - TopicsExpress


As long as they embrace struggle and mistakes, they can learn anything. Fixed mindsets mistakenly believe that people are either smart or not, that intelligence is fixed by genes. People with growth mindsets correctly believe that capability and intelligence can be grown through effort, struggle and failure. As many of you may know I suffered a severe concussion a few years ago. Physically I lost all the motor functions on the left side of my body. I would say thats about 97% recovered and it gets better every day. The more I work on it the better I get. But mentally, I cant describe what happened. I dont remember my first week or two being awake. Supposedly I was calling people with slurred speech telling them what happened. But for the first year I cant tell you how slow I felt my mind was. Things that used to seem easy and come naturally were now a struggle. Ive struggled for years, and I still struggle everyday. I know my brain continues to grow and change the more I challenge it. I cant believe how far Ive come thus far and how far Im going to go. But the key is to never give up. Your brain is the most important muscle in your body dont let it go to waste by taking the easy route. https://youtube/watch?v=JC82Il2cjqA And for anyone who made it this far, when I was concussed I was told that they think I fell off a roof. I told people thats probably what happened for months. Let me set the story straight. I never fell off a roof. I was hit over the back of the head with an unknown blunt object. It is unknown who did it as well. But it was probably someone traveling with the Mountain Dew Tour that year.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:43:28 +0000

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