As man was formed from dust....sin is like dust as well. Because - TopicsExpress


As man was formed from dust....sin is like dust as well. Because dust was used to form man, and like sin dust seems to scatter everywhere. To many people at times dust is hard to see, but others see it very clearly. In our own lives sin is like that as well. Many times we cannot see our own sin and shortcomings, yet it is so evident to others. We must always remember the mercy that has been given to us, and give that mercy to others. Not compromising and condoning sin, but showing others the embodiment of Love, Mercy, Compassion, and Truth in Messiah YSHUA. 1Corinthians 10:12, So he that thinks he stands, let him take heed lest he fall. Galatians 6:1-3, Brothers, if a man is overtaken in some trespass, you the spiritual ones, set such a one straight in a spirit of meekness, looking at yourself lest you be tried too. Bear one anothers burdens and so complete the Torah of Messiah. For if anyone thinks himself to be somebody, when he is not, he deceives himself. Mikah 7:9, I bear the displeasure of YHVH, for I have sinned against Him, until He pleads my case and shall execute right-ruling for me, until He brings me out in the light and I look on His righteousness.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 15:59:00 +0000

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