As many of my friends know I have contracted with some Hollywood - TopicsExpress


As many of my friends know I have contracted with some Hollywood writers and producers from Hollywood Writers Studio who ghost wrote a story I created for my daughter 20 years ago into a screenplay I titled War in the Heavens they plan to market to major Hollywood production companies starting in February 2015. We are very excited about the product we have created. It is a science-fiction space adventure. David Sheldon, the lead writer/producer and I often exchange casual emails on a variety of science and science fiction topics as well as share our opinions about movies that come to the big screen. He emailed me today how excited they are to present War in the Heavens to major producers and production companies beginning in February. They have no doubt Hollywood will make it into a movie. I provided many concepts and ideas and actually wrote the following sequence they converted into screenplay format. If you find yourself in a theater watching my movie and see this part played out, you will remember you read it here first and that it came from the mind of a father who made up a story for his little daughter 20 years ago when she looked up at the stars and asked, Daddy, why among all the stars is life found only on earth? --------------------------------- On the surface of Avalon, the Human home world in the far past...... MICHAEL You guys ready to do real battle? He point up to the sky. THE SERPENTINE SHIPS are closer, but still a great distance away. MICHAEL (CONTD) And I mean right now. TIGER Ready, Commander. MICHAEL Follow me. He runs to his ship. The other Captains run to theirs. EXT. LAUNCH PAD The Earth Angel takes off straight up. The five other SP-21s lift off and follow until they disappear from sight. AT THE MILITARY SPACEPORT Buxhawks huge fleet of fighter spaceships take off. A THUNDEROUS SOUND. INTERCUT ALL SPACESHIP INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DIALOGUE AND ACTION THROUGHOUT THE REST OF THE SCRIPT. EXT. OUTER SPACE The Earth Angel and the other five SP-21s head toward the Nibiruvian fleet. MICHAEL Okay, guys, we split up now. EARTH ANGEL AND THE OTHER FIVE SP-21S slit up, equally distant from the Nibiruvian ships. BUXHAWK AND HIS FLEET break up into six formations, each formation following one of the Sp-21s. MICHAELS SHIP FIRES missiles at the Nibiruvian ships. THE LEAD NIBIRUVIAN SHIP is BLOWN AWAY. THE NIBIRUVIAN FORCES COUNTER-ATTACK, firing guided missiles at Earth Angel, the other SP-21s and Buxhawks fleet. IN THE EARTH ANGEL Ruiz watches the monitors. He sees: a MISSILE coming straight at them. RUIZ Incoming. MICHAEL (into radio) Counter! Charge the EMP generators. Bring us around to 275. Mark, 23. Counter-rotate, Helm, 32. Prepare full power to main engine. Ruiz, what do you have? FIVE NIBIRUVIAN SHIPS engage them. INSIDE THE EARTH ANGEL Ruiz spots the attackers on the monitor. RUIZ Sir, I have four, make that five contacts, tight pattern bearing 190. Closing fast, Time To Impact: 45 seconds. MICHAEL Roger. How close are those missiles? RUIZ And closing at 250. MICHAEL (to Navigator)) Give me an intercept course on those bogies. Lets thread the needle. Hold the EMP. (to the pilot) Helm, on my mark. Three... two... one... engage! BUXHAWK AND HIS FLEET FIRE at the Nibiruvians. THE NIBIRUVIANS FIRE back. CHARLIE 7S SHIP is STRUCK by an electronic missile. It LIGHTS UP, then DISINTEGRATES into light particles. BOTH SIDES receive HEAVY DAMAGE and/or ARE DESTR0YED. IN THE EARTH ANGEL Ruiz watches the monitor and is alarmed. RUIZ Sir, we just lost Charlie 7. Tiger 23 reports damage to outer hull. Theyre loosing atmosphere. MICHAEL Communications, order Tiger 23 to disengage. Well go in alone. Ruiz, count down on incoming. RUIZ (radar operator) Sir, theyll acquire us in 15, 12, 10, 9-- MICHAEL Hold! RUIZ 6, 5, 4-- MICHAEL Hold! Discharge EMP! Launch counter measures, engage main engine! EARTH ANGEL IN SPACE is hit by POWERFUL AMMO. It SHUDDERS VIOLENTLY. But no damage. INSIDE THE EARTH ANGEL the Crew, in the weightlessness, strapped to their chairs, hardly feel a thing. MICHAEL All right everyone, lets pull it together. RUIZ No damage, sir. MAXIMILIAN Thank, God. MICHAEL All right, Ruiz, try to raise IASA. Lets hope our armor held. (into speaker) Fire Control, prepare a spread at 180 with all cannons! Were going in hot. Ruiz, give me a count to bogie formation center. RUIZ In twenty... fifteen... twelve... eight... five... three... two... one. MICHAEL Launch! Rotate helm 180! Maintain course and fire at will! They look out through the small port holes. They SEE: EXT. SPACE The STAR FIELD SHIFTS SIDEWAYS, bringing the Nibiruvian ships into view. INT. EARTH ANGEL Ruiz is all eyes and ears. RUIZ Sir, Ruiz here. Theyre poppin, sir! EXT. NIBIRUVIAN FLEET One by one, the ships BURST INTO BALLS OF FIRE. They quickly FADE INTO THE VOID OF SPACE. INT. EARTH ANGEL MICHAEL Ruiz, fast sweep! RUIZ Sir, I show negative. We got em all. A muted cheer rises in the cabin. MICHAEL Ruiz, full scan 360. Are there any more? RUIZ No, sir, its clear. The rest of em must have gone back. MICHAEL Good. Back to Avalon. EXT. SPACE Earth Angel and the three surviving SP-1 fighters from IASA follow Buxhawks Command Ship, back to Avalon. EARTH ANGEL streaks through the heavens past the debris field. RUIZ Something strange at Luna, sir. Michael takes the scope and scans LUNA. He sees something that stuns him. AZAZELS MOTHER SHIP, THE ASTYXA looms in out of the darkness. It circles Luna. INT. EARTH ANGEL Michael and the crew witness Azazels ship on the monitor. MAXIMILIAN She must know our rescue plans. MICHAEL You think so? MAXIMILIAN Watch. Theyre orbiting. MICHAEL All right, stand down to condition yellow. Comm, maintain radio silence. Helm, set course for Luna. Slow burn. Lets not waste the power we have left. Nav, ETA to Luna? RUIZ Commander, we will acquire visual in three hours. MICHAEL Okay, stay alert. MICHAEL (CONTD) They may have caught us off guard but they wont do it again. Passive scans only. I dont wanna send out pings that may give away our location. Watch the scope carefully as we approach Luna. BUXHAWK I do not put it past Azazel to have a few more ships lying in ambush. MICHAEL Right. Ruiz, plot a return course to Avalon, but stay outside the interference zone. I want an unobstructed view as we come in. RUIZ Yes, sir. MICHAEL And inform me when we have a visual on Luna. Max, can you predict where that promised place planet will be? MAXIMILIAN Let me check my Time Space Calculator. Maximilian keys in the device. MAXIMILIAN (CONTD) Its not far away. Its where Earth is supposed to be. MICHAEL I see it. HIS POV What looks like a glob of shimmering water hangs in space. MICHAEL (CONTD) Surly thats not the promised place. RUIZ I have a better visual of Luna. They all look at the monitor. They see LUNA, which looks like the Moon. MICHAEL It looks like earths Moon. MAXIMILIAN Thats because it is our Moon. It is believed that our moon was originally a spaceship created 4.6 billion years ago. MICHAEL A spaceship? MAXIMILIAN According to an ancient Zulu legend, it was hollowed out by reptilian entities who controlled the universe. And it came from another solar system. MICHAEL Then Azazels Nibiruvians are those reptilian entities. MAXIMILIAN I would say so. MICHAEL Okay, lets go back to Avalon and regroup.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 03:48:21 +0000

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