As many of you are aware, I had a severe vertigo episode on - TopicsExpress


As many of you are aware, I had a severe vertigo episode on 10/24/13 that put me in the hospital. In the form of a letter sent to a certain supplements company, that incident is fully explained. The product described below contains free glutamic acid as a main ingredient. See below. >> To Apex Energetics: I have a statement to make about your product called Super Oxicell K-23. I have a serious allergy/sensitivity to free glutamic acid and/or monosodium glutamate, i.e. any products containing glutamines. The reaction to consumption of the ingredients in question is extreme vertigo. The vertigo is called objective vertigo with not only the sensation of spinning but spinning that one can see. It is very severe and disabling and terrifying on a scale that is difficult to convey in words. I have had many serious vertigo episodes in the past that could always be tracked back to the accidental consumption of a food with some form of free glutamine in it, i.e. either monosodium glutamate, free glutamic acid, or L-glutamine. Unfortunately, despite my hyper-vigilance and label-checking habits, on a chiropractic visit on 10/24/13, the chiropractor massaged some Super Oxicell K-23 into my neck and shoulders as part of an adjustment. I was not given a chance to read the label ahead of time nor the opportunity to refuse the cream. It smelled like essential oils (such as pine) so I assumed that was what it was. About 8 hours later, I had the most severe vertigo episode I have ever experienced. Words utterly fail to express the intensity. I now describe it as a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10. It was like my apartment was a box tumbling down a hill. All I could do was hug a wall in my kitchen while screaming. The result was a 911 call, paramedics, a hospital visit, a CT scan, a lot of intense pain and suffering and missed wages from about a week and a half of work. Not to mention a night of horror that I will never forget even if I live another 100 years; in other words, emotional scarring on the order of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. If I had been driving when this vertigo episode happened, I or someone else might have been killed or very seriously injured as a result. It is literally THAT serious. Totally aside from the fact that no doctor - regardless of skill, discipline, or educational background - should be putting anything onto or into a patients body without their consent, the fact is that many people have sensitivities to this ingredient. I first started having vertigo attacks in 2004, and it took me several years to discover that glutamines were a trigger. I hate to think how many people might be suffering from vertigo episodes similar to mine and not know that glutamines are the cause. I would suggest very strongly that you reconsider the use of free glutamic acid in any of your products or at the very least provide some sort of warning label. An educational campaign to both practitioners and potential customers would also be advisable. Astonishingly, despite owning a book on the subject and the fact that the information is freely available online, my chiropractor didnt know that monosodium glutamate and free glutamic acid produce the same reaction in those who are sensitive. We even discussed my sensitivity to monosodium glutamate before the adjustment session. This deeply underscores the need for education on this substance. In short, a million people might use your product with no problem and then the next person might be someone like me and have a serious problem. I would suggest that it is too much of a risk for your company as these kinds of sensitivities and allergies appear to be steadily on the rise. I hope you will take what I have said very seriously as it is a very serious issue. Thank you for your attention. I will be following up this email with a phone call to your office. Sincerely, Michael S. Phillips
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 19:30:00 +0000

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