As many of you know, I have gone through quite a few trials since - TopicsExpress


As many of you know, I have gone through quite a few trials since the beginning of 2014. I lost my younger brother and younger sister three days apart in March. I almost lost my husband in April, and Ive broken bones three times in the past four months. (The nurse at the hospital made my husband leave triage so they could ask me if I felt safe at home. I told her I would feel a lot safer if Id quite breaking bones.) I was away from Lady Patriots for several months but have been back working hard since the end of June. I love writing and bringing out the news that we dont hear from the mainstream media, but there has been something lacking that is difficult to explain unless you know me well. My husband and I have been pastors or in some ministry for most of our lives. We live in a small town, and we havent been pastoring for almost two years. I have been working with Lady Patriots for nearly a year and a half, but I have been feeling like there is a whole lot missing in my life for months. I have been asking God for His direction for several days. I finally had a heart-to-heart with God and He has given me the course He wants me to go . We are living in very dangerous times, and those of us who have had our eyes opened since 2008 know that our nation is on life support. We do not have time to fight among ourselves or trust that our leaders will do the right thing. We KNOW they wont. Most of them are in it together and could care less about us. God has given me peace about what He wants and I will be making a few changes. Some will like them, and others wont. First, let me assure you that our Lady Patriots Facebook page and the Lady Patriots group will continue posting news and information. We have wonderful Admins in both who work hard to provide relevant content and news as it happens. This change will be for Lady-Patriots. There are enough people reporting the news now. Its time that I focus on how that news will affect us. Regardless how much we know about what theyre doing in Washington, if we do not understand its significance and how it touches us spiritually, we are in danger far beyond anything ISIS, illegal aliens, or losing our guns can ever do to us. As a journalist there are many things I cannot say because there are so many “camps” in the conservative movement, and I don’t want to offend anyone or be considered a fanatic or preachy. I am a preacher. I have been a licensed or ordained minister for over twenty-five years. I had forgotten that for a while; however, it’s time for me to get back to what I do best, and my first love. I will still write about what is happening in our nation and the world, but I will be writing it from God’s perspective. In this business, it’s easy to forget about the most important reason we are here. I will not apologize for writing or talking about God. He is our only hope, and I am grateful for His unending mercy and grace. Thank you for understanding and God bless you. ~ Dr. Sharon Schuetz
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 03:23:10 +0000

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