As many of you know, I’ve been working on a few things. Pieces - TopicsExpress


As many of you know, I’ve been working on a few things. Pieces of a puzzle that needed putting together before I can do what I want to do – which is just simply get out there, have an adventure and hopefully raise money and keep inspiring people. There were three puzzle pieces left – and now, I’m so happy to tell you, there’s just the one. So, what are these two puzzle pieces? Well, one was my website – It served me well throughout Canada, but needed a revamp and, thanks to the very talented Sean Bullingham from Pretty Good Digital, it’s ready and looking AMAZING. BUT WAIT – don’t click that just yet! The second piece is something that’s taken many people (especially Jordan Gleadell-Burt, and Helen Matthews) a lot of time from local support, and effort to make happen. It’s the Adventureman Store! Yep, you can now buy Adventureman t-shirts and hoodies, in all sorts of colours and sizes. Some of you will have seen how my cousin Kev brought Batman and Robin outfits to the city of Batman, Turkey, for us to cycle in. More of you will have voted, last year, when I asked you to decide which superhero costume I should run as, with Flash the clear favourite. Even more of you will have seen how Adventureman, from the seed of an idea, has come to life, through the amazing drawings of your kids. The store feels like another huge step in this superhero journey – it’s actually something real and tangible. To me, it means Adventureman exists and, although that might sound odd, it is an amazing feeling. The majority of the profit of all items sold will go towards the third and final piece of the puzzle - a foundation that Kev and I are setting up!!! Its in the charity commissioning process as we speak, so we should hopefully be launching in a matter of weeks – and honestly, I really can’t wait to tell you more about it. A smaller proportion of the profits will go towards funding my next adventure. To be transparent, as I think it’s incredibly important, its £15 for a t-shirt, with £5 going towards the foundation, and £2.50 towards my next adventure. As for the hoodies, they cost £30 each, with £9 towards the foundation, and £4 going towards my next adventure. To put that in terms I can appreciate, the hoodie is a couple of tin sardines to keep me fuelled when I’m on the road again! On a serious note, the foundation money will be solely for charity purposes and I wont be touching this fund, however, the other amount that I have stated - will be an investment for me to be able to carry on fundraising, on a much bigger scale. Most of you know by now, that over the last two years on my fundraising expeditions, Ive spent all the money I had that I saved up for the house that I did not buy. After putting everything I could possibly give into the last couple of years, raising more than £200,000 - at the end of it all, I didn’t have any money left to continue on fundraising and doing what I loved doing. I must add though, I wouldnt have changed any of this for the world. Having this store on the website, with some of the profits helping towards my next adventure, Im really worried what people will think. Ive spent three years giving everything Ive had and owned, and now Im asking for help, quite honestly, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Giving is more natural, as we all know. (Which reminds me, there were two runner ups in the Adventureman drawing competition, Maya Romeo and Jessica Caddick - expect some t-shirts in the post very soon! And regarding the ACTUAL Adventureman costume that Ill be wearing for future adventures, at the minute, Im not in a financial position to create that just yet. Hopefully by Christmas I’ll have one for me and one for Conner Reddy, the winner of the costume design competition). As my Dad has always said, every time I have a slight panic attack of being financially insecure for the future J, keep doing what you love, and everything will work out. Anyway, Ill stop banging on now, please do enjoy having a gander around the new website. If you do buy an Adventureman t-shirt or hoody, I’d love to see and share photos of you in them! Thank you all.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 17:30:00 +0000

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