As many of you know, for decades Israel has disallowed the people - TopicsExpress


As many of you know, for decades Israel has disallowed the people of Gaza to step foot in any inch of Palestine outside of Gaza. And part of Gazas conditions for ceasefire was to speak about this horrific and oppressive rule that Israel implemented on us. As these sensitive days pass by, we wait with rushing heart beats for the results to come out in a month. Heroes of Gaza, let our childhood dreams become a reality. We did not grow up dreaming of becoming famous soccer players. Nor did we grow up dreaming of becoming rich and popular. We grew up dreaming of praying in Al-Aqsa. Heroes of Gaza, gather us with our families and friends in the West Bank. Let a prayer in Al-Aqsa heal our broken hearts. Let the sight of The Dome of the Rock purify our vision. Let the cold wind of Hebron put together our broken smiles. Let the sweets of Nablus taste like victory. Let the young men of Ramallah teach us what an Intifada is all about. Let the water springs of Jenin wash away the shattered blood off our skin. Let Bethlehem, the city of Jesus (pbuh) expand the little hope, faith and love that is left in our hearts. Heroes of Gaza, we have no one by our side but you. And you have no one by your side but God. You fought with the Kalashnikov, and you won. Now fight with the pen against this vulgar occupation. -Mohamed Zeyara
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:01:45 +0000

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