As many of you know, last Thursday July 24th, I sent in my exit - TopicsExpress


As many of you know, last Thursday July 24th, I sent in my exit letter, and formally left the LDS Church. That night, I had a rather interesting dream that I would like to relate to you. That night I dreamed that several of my family and friends were all seated in a rather large theater, not a movie theater, but something more like an old style opera house. It was a beautiful building, gilded, decorated, Gothic, and wonderful. And the music that they were playing was also moving and beautiful. Among the guests of the theater was John Dehlin, the host of “Mormon Stories Podcast, who is well known for interviewing diverse Mormons and for bravely exploring the Mormon Experience. I was not at the theater; I cant remember now exactly where I was. In my dream, John Dehlin was the only person at the theater who actually had a name, the rest of my family and friends that I knew were there were all ambiguous. I knew that I loved them, but I can’t recall a specific person that I knew was there or a specific person that I knew was not there. So I can’t say which of my friends stayed at the theater, and which left. At some point, a fire broke out in the theater. Many tried to leave, but soon the exits were blocked by fire and smoke. John called someone, who put him on the air live, and he began to explain what was happening inside the theater, and to interview the individuals stuck in this burning building, asking them how they dealt with their fears, or about how they were trying to escape the flames. Of course, I was glued to the podcasts, because of all the family and friends that I had inside the burning building! I could hear the coughing, and eventually the screams as they began to die. Eventually, the podcast went silent, John and all my family and friends who had been in this beautiful opera house/theater had died. I woke up crying.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 20:40:26 +0000

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