As many of you know, my son Davy was taken to the hospital over 4 - TopicsExpress


As many of you know, my son Davy was taken to the hospital over 4 months ago because he couldnt breath. He was a heavy smoker & only 18. Doctor told him then that if he wished to see 20 he needs to quit. Well, thanks to God he quit, but once he started feeling better he went to change his life to a healthy lifestyle. A couple days ago he tried an e-cig .. and the chemicals didnt agree with him, instantly his chest started to close up & he couldnt breathe, non-stop violent vomiting and diarrhea hit him hard. Yesterday morning after 1am, thankful he has FB, cause he doesnt have a phone, I was online & he sent me a message saying he couldnt breathe. I packed up Liz & Nicky & raced to Quincy where I found him needing to go to the emergency room in a horrible way. I am so thankful that the staff at Blessing Hospital is really on their toes and was able to lift Davy & get him in a wheelchair & rush him into a room. They got him stable and got fluids in him thru an i.v. and did all the reg things they do. He took a breathing treatment which helped him tremendously. They pumped meds into him for the vomiting which helped. So the doctor comes back in & reminds him NOT to smoke anything, no matter what it is. He is home now & the kids & I are also home. I am not able to meet anyone today for deliveries. I will meet next Friday. Thank you all for the prayers
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:34:27 +0000

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