As many of you know, posting on FB is not something I regularly - TopicsExpress


As many of you know, posting on FB is not something I regularly do. It seems so incredibly Public if you know what I mean. Ive never felt like people really care to read about the minutia details of my day to day life. Today though I am going to make an exception. I want to tell a lot of people at once whats going on so I dont have to repeat it over and over again. If you know someone I know that is not a FB friend please feel free to tell them what I have written here. I have always been of the opinion that if I ever was told I had cancer, I would tell the medical staff that I dont want to do anything about it. I know too many people who have suffered through this and then the outcome was the same a few years later. I feel I have lived a long life and have very few regrets. I have no bucket list and Im pretty happy and content with what I have and who I know. I am absolutely sure of where I will go when I die and to be with Christ is far better than here on this miserable earth. That being said, after my most recent surgery on 11/4 I was thrown a curve ball that hit me right between the eyes. Now, Im not much of a sports fan and I would miss any ball being tossed my way, but this one I didnt miss. Im told that after removing the ascending side of my colon that it contained the Big C word and Chemo is the next best option. The first thing I said to the Dr. was I have always said that if this ever came up, I wouldnt want to do anything. Ive lived a good life and Im ready. They dont really like that answer, imagine that? After the appointment was over, I sent my husband a text and he left work and came home to discuss everything. Obviously, he didnt like that answer either and Im sure my kids, Joe and Jen and my dear friend Katy wont care for that option. So, this evening Im here to say Okay, I will go forward with this but Im not going to like it and I probably wont have the same positive attitude Ive had with everything else that has gone haywire in my body. This just doesnt compete with the bladder lift, carpal tunnel surgery or 7 dental implants. I am so not looking forward to being sick, loosing my hair and all the other stuff that Chemo does to you for the next 24 weeks. Thanksgiving will be difficult, Christmas even harder and missing the birth of my new granddaughter at the end of December just the worst. But apparently if Im going to do this, it needs to begin soon. Probably with in the next 2 weeks. Please pray for me and all my loved ones. Especially those that live far and cannot come by to check on me. I probably wont post often but maybe now and then to keep you all in the loop. I love you all.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 01:28:49 +0000

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