As many would testify and I must admit I suffer from what I think - TopicsExpress


As many would testify and I must admit I suffer from what I think is a kind of aesthetic hyperphagia. An abnormally veracious and constant appetite for beauty (my definition). I awake each day expecting to encounter and/or to create something beautiful. I’m rarely disappointed with the encounter, but most often with the creation. Truth is, I do encounter beauty constantly. However, it often overwhelms my ability or capacity to capture it or to convey it with the power it generates for my senses; which is my strongest drive and response. Given to painting and poetry I am driven to convey those visions of enlightenment before me for others to appreciate and enjoy. It isn’t a matter of ego, but a matter of a calling, a vocation. A line from a movie scene says it best, where two strangers view a canvas in an art gallery and one asks the other what he thinks. One says he’s disappointed, having seen it in books so many times and become too familiar with it to really appreciate its remarkable beauty before the actual piece. The other character responds “…that we should abandon familiarity and reinstate wonder….nothing beats seeing the paint when it’s wet and alive.” That epiphany plays out in our life doesn’t it? We become so jaded by what appears familiar in a face, words, places and experiences that we rob ourselves of the wonder hidden in plain sight before us everyday upon seeing something actually before us for the first time. Would that my soul could hold a brush or had fingers and wasn’t so limited by the clogged filter of time and my mind. I offer this poem with one of my paintings to edify my point…yet again. Hope it enriches you.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 23:12:44 +0000

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