As ministers of the Gospel, will we ALL agree on the same thing - TopicsExpress


As ministers of the Gospel, will we ALL agree on the same thing all of the time?? I think NOT!! There are simply to many differing interpretations of the SAME bible. Those differing interpretations have resulted in many various denominations to numerous to count! Each denomination proclaiming that THEIR way, brand or interpretation is the RIGHT one. All while denouncing and/or degrading anything or anyone that doesnt quite line up to their denominational code! Its amazing to me that ALL of us who claim to be Ambassadors of God who left us ONE book, have so many varying opinions about it! That book tells us there there are MANY members but one body! All of us have different roles, functions and responsibilities but we are ALL a part of the same body. As a minister of nearly 30 years, I refuse to fall out with another minister over theological differences! Not if were all claiming to work for the same Boss!! Although we may have different methods or even ideas than my co-workers (co-laborers), my primary objective is to carry out the plans (desires) of the company! My work is to do the will of the one who sent me! I dont have time to argue about doctrines and dogmas... We dont have to go along to get along! Place value on your co-laborers in the Ministry... You may not agree with them, but please dont kill them by means of friendly-fire! Because the truth is friendly-fire is still deadly nonetheless!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 01:37:09 +0000

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