As more people go vegan, being vegan becomes more socially - TopicsExpress


As more people go vegan, being vegan becomes more socially acceptable, thereby encouraging even more people to move in the direction of a vegan lifestyle. Although some people will always do what they know is right, there are also many others who will do what is right only when they see others already doing it. Even the act of hearing about the fact that the friend or relative of someone they know has gone vegan can often influence a person to start moving in that direction themselves. Each new vegan directly save several hundred animals from a lifetime of suffering through their purchasing decisions. However, each vegan also saves even far more animals indirectly, through their influence on the purchasing decisions of others, often in ways that they are not even aware of. Also, as more people go vegan, grocery stores and restaurants respond by offering more vegan options, thereby making going vegan easier and more convenient. Once over 50% of the population has stopped eating dead animals, then getting most of the remaining 50% will be relatively easy, as all the people who prefer to follow the crowd will end up going vegetarian so that they don’t stand out as one of the few remaining meat eaters. Towards the end, there will probably still be a few die hard meat eaters who will never be vegetarian. However, their grandchildren will be. In the very near future, eating meat will be viewed by society the same way we currently view slavery. Slavery was legal and socially acceptable throughout all of human history, and it was condoned the major religions. All this changed forever in a relatively short period of time just a few generations ago.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 18:21:36 +0000

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