As mortals, we understand our time on this earth is limited. If - TopicsExpress


As mortals, we understand our time on this earth is limited. If you spend your life looking at a clock, trying to cram experiences before the next “tick”, that is not living life to the fullest. If you consciously consider every second of your day before you act, that is not life, period. If we allow our lives to be dictated by norms, our lives become a never ending Monday. Don’t leave for tomorrow what you could to today, is the murdering thought which clouds our mortal minds and prevents us from following our heart. The concept of living to the fullest requires the understanding and acceptance of a time sensitive existence. It must, however include a sense of self- fulfillment without forgetting our responsibilities to our loved ones. That being said, living life to the fullest is the “tick”, and living for the moment, is the “tock”. This is my long-winded way to say, let go of the bullshit-Let’s rock this joint!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:28:30 +0000

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