As most of you know. I have a son who is autistic. He is fairly - TopicsExpress


As most of you know. I have a son who is autistic. He is fairly mild, so at first glance, his actions may appear to be those of a neurotypical child. Like many autistics, Logan struggles with sensory issues and when he does, it may appear that he is acting up or is the result of bad parenting. What you may not know is that he has a heightened sense of smell, hearing, sight, touch, and taste. So when he is in a room that seems quiet to us, it is very loud for him. He hears the hum of the florescent bulbs in the classroom, the teachers voice, the kids shuffling, the air-conditioning or heat fan, everything outside the classroom at the same level. He cannot block out as we do. When all of this sound becomes to much, he will lash out and seek other sensory stimuli to make himself feel better. He is not looking to hurt someone and often doesnt register that the other people are there. Most of the time he does not even remember what happened and when told, he does not believe the teller, because he does not remember it and the actions described seem to horrific for him to have done. All we can do is help him avoid getting into that position and to better deal with over stimuli and know when he needs to remove himself from it. I hope this helps you understand at least one autistic person better and you will use this knowledge next time you see a child having a meltdown in a store. That child may be on sensory overload. Please think before you judge them. Thank you
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:49:21 +0000

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