As most of you know, we had a tragic loss in Big South Fork in - TopicsExpress


As most of you know, we had a tragic loss in Big South Fork in June/July 2013. Two horses got loose from their riders - much like what happened this past week - but unfortunately were not found in time. Both horses perished. To make a long story short, they were in an area with no viable food and no water and could not survive. It brought to light the importance of being able to locate our horses when they get away from us - which could happen to ANYbody. Although we have had many suggestions and recommendations, we are still looking for the perfect solution. Keep those thinking caps on. Some day, hopefully not too far away, we will have it. In memory of Cisco and Stormy, we are placing a memorial bench here at True West. It will serve as a reminder that their loss was not in vain. We will always remember it was their plight that brought this to light. We have a local artist that has offered to carve the bench for whatever money we can raise. Wow - what a generous gesture! I know the bench is worth at least $3000 and Id like to get as close to that as possible. From past donations we have $265 already but that is not even close to what we need. SO -> We have THREE dates on the calendar for the Cisco and Stormy Memorial Bench. Two of them are fund raisers. I also have a paypal account and if youd like to make a donation, please send me an email (not a PM!) to truewest@hotmail and I will send you the details. Here are the details of the events as shown on our website: April 3rd-4th - Memorial Bench Fundraiser. This year marks the 2nd year since the tragic loss of Cisco and Stormy. Join us this weekend for a remembrance ride to the spot they were last seen. Then return to True West for a pot luck dinner and Auction! Donated items will be auctioned off ALL proceeds go to the Memorial Bench. So dont forget to bring your wallets! There will be some great items to bid on - including a weekend stay at True West! Help us to keep their spirit alive and remember how important it is to have the ability to locate our horses should they ever get away from us outside of their safe environments. May 9th - Cisco & Stormy Memorial Bench Fund Raiser. Get out those Crock Pot Dessert recipes! This is a Crock Pot Dessert Cook-off!! Enjoy a day of riding and then join us on the common area for a pot luck dinner and a Crock Pot Dessert cook-off Cost to participate is $10/pp (including the cooks) but the prize is a free weekend stay at True West. All proceeds go towards the cost of the bench.Then well have a little home-style entertainment to finish off the night. June 13th - Cisco and Stormy Memorial Bench Dedication. One week from this date Cisco and Stormy were lost in the Big South Fork. After weeks of searching for them, they were found, but the outcome was unimaginable. On Saturday, we will dedicate a bench in their memory. This brought to light the importance of our ability to be able to locate our horses should they ever get away from us on the trail. A tracking device of some sort that would lead us back to them - for as we now know, they may not always be able to come back to us. Today, there is no sure way to do this but we hope that with this bench will serve as a reminder that we need to work towards a way to make this possible - and to keep the spirit of Cisco and Stormy alive. Please bring a perennial flower or plant to be planted by the bench. So I will be looking for auction item donations for the April Event. Please drop off or mail any item you would like to contribute. I hope you can make it!! If you have any questions, please let me know. If you would like to make a reservation, please email us at truewest@hotmail Day riders are welcome to come to ANY of the events. Overnight stays are not mandatory/required.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:09:47 +0000

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