As most of you will know, the access to Tlachtga is by stile only - TopicsExpress


As most of you will know, the access to Tlachtga is by stile only and as such does not cater to the needs of the Samhain Festival of Fire visitors. In addition, the stile is old, unremarkable and perhaps even unsafe, due to the nature of the old stone work in use. It is the intention of this group and Friends of Tlachtga {Hill of Ward}, Athboy to petition the Office of Public Works, List of National Monuments of Ireland and Department of Arts, Heritage and Gaelteacht Affairs to give sanction, fund and erect a new stile which would not only allow easier access by all, including those with ambulatory difficulties but would mark this wonderfully historical site for locals and tourists alike, that they might find it more easily and enjoy it more readily. Proposals have already been drafted and schematics prepared at personal expense, however to date, no official state body wishes to claim responsibility for the work or indeed the current stile. It is our hope that through this proposed petition, we can show each of the above departments and organisations, that there is sufficient interest in, support for and wish to preserve the heritage of the beautiful site, by the people of Ireland and all of the Friends of Tlachtga from abroad, many of whom visit each year for the Samhain Festival of Fire. We would ask that for now, you share this page and post with your FB community, so that when the petition is ready to be circulated, it reaches as many people as possible. It is our hope that with your support and a little bit of people power/pressure, the new stile might just be in place in time for the Samhain celebrations of 2013. Thank you and blessed be.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 22:25:55 +0000

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